Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Due Thursday - Reminder - Map and States quiz

1. USA Map complete - inked borders, inked labels - states and water, inked title, colored states (only) - 15 points

2. Study for USA states quiz - 10 points

  • Quiz - You need to know all of the states, and be able to spell them correctly. The quiz will ask you to identify 20 of these states, some will be easy, some more difficult to identify, and some more difficult to spell.

In class we will work on our card games and rap lyrics.
We will video tape first rounds of colonial raps on Thursday and Friday.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week of 121514

Due - Detail
This week in class:
1. Assembling and manufacturing our colony playing cards
2. Playing different sequencing games with the colony playing cards
3. Using the cards to generate poetry and rap lyrics about colonial regions
4. Practicing group rap performances
5. Performing group raps

121614 - 
Label all states in the USA map

121814 - 
1. USA STATES MAP - (15 points) - blank map here
ink all outlines and text
color each adjoining states separate colors; do not color water
title - the United States of America

Note - use the internet or the SS8 textbook atlas section

2. USA States map quiz - (10 points)

1218 - 121914 - 
Perform group rap assignments for the class

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

HW due Thursday

Following up on lines of poetry that we will use to write a rap performance for each group...

Today in class we examined the two poems from last night's homework, and practiced using this verse to perform using different strategies and styles to turn the words into a performance.

Read the introduction (before the outline) to "The Glorious Revolution" article in Wikipedia here.

As you read:
1. Notice in the middle of paragraph three, a reference to the overthrow of colonial governments in Maryland and the Dominion of New England.

2. Notice in the outline a reference to the English Bill of Rights. This was the first Bill of Right since the Romans.

In the article, click on the following links and read:
Dominion of New England

  • Read the introduction to this article.

Bill of Rights - 

  • Read the introduction
  • Read the list under the heading "The Bill of Rights also vindicated and asserted the nation's "ancient rights and liberties" by declaring:"
Writing due Thursday:
1. Summarize, on notebook paper, by hand, in 4 bullet points each:
a. What major event occurred during the Glorious Revolution?
b. What was the Dominion of New England? Was it successful? Who was the governor?
c. What are some of the rights guaranteed by the English Bill of Rights?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week of 120814

Date - Due

1. Read two poems:

2. Choose one poem. Come to class ready to rap the first four lines of the your chosen poem.

3. On a piece of paper, hand write:
  • the first four lines
  • show marks, underlines, and other symbols that you used to break up the line for successful rapping.
  • explain the required selection in 3 sentence  - what is the poem about and trying to say.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homework due Thursday and Friday

Due Thursday:

Create cards for the other three details (famous male or female, event in 1600s and 1700s, Trade good and common technology) for your colony group that you researched.

Refer to this link about the original three cards due on Tuesday.

To conclude:
1. Print (color or black and white will work) all 5 - 6 cards for the above cards - separate sheets of paper.
2. We will label the playing card suit and value in class as a group.
3. We will cut these out in class

Due Friday:
Write 1 - 2 lines of poetry about each of your cards - for a total of at least 5 - 12 lines of poetry total.
We will use these lines to start working on the Colonial Rap lyrics.
Get ready to Rap next week.

Monday, December 1, 2014

HW due Tuesday, Dec 2

As discussed and made clear in class the following in class assignment must be completed as homework tonight - here.

Many students finished in class.

See you tomorrow,

- Mr. R

Card Template

Use this file here -
1. make a copy in order to edit.
2. Share with Mr. Rodgers in edit mode.

Follow directions in class for your cards.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Have a great Thanksgiving Break... See you next week!!!

Next week we will be working on the British Colonies playing card factory project.

We will learn some games and in the course understand key elements of colonial history.

We will also start to write our Colonial Raps and practice our group performances.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week of 112414

Due Date - Detail

There is no homework this week:

1. In class on Monday, read articles in groups. Summarize and present in class.

2. In class on Tuesday - Start working on playing cards for content - people, events, trends - about your colony groups. We will use these cards to:

  • learn event sequence of important colonial events
  • understand the relationships between key events, people, and trends
  • write poetry and lyrics about our colonial groups

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Due Friday - Notes for three days of in class work and homework...

Show evidence of trying and completion of the following from the post below:

HW this week (LINK) - Colony Project research activies

We will finish off this activity in class.

Every person in each group must have unique topics and people for each category.

Granted, finding important women from this time period is difficult and will be discussed further in class on Friday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

As the trimester is coming to a close... grades are being posted...

I recently updated all old missing assignments in Power School from Missing to a grade a zero. This undoubtedly lowered some students grades who did not turn in work. Currently all late work and no-name work has been identified and processed.

If you have work that is marked as zero, or missing, or the combination of zero-missing, then you need to
1. print out any assignments that are in gdoc format
2. print out a grade sheet for SS8 - you must do this at this point.
3. Attach all assignments in question to the grade sheet
4. highlight the assignments on the grade sheet
5. write the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc next to each assignment in question on the grade sheet
6. lastly, number each piece of paper that is attached with the same number from the grade sheet.
7. turn it in ASAP.
8. I will update any turned in missing or late assignments this weekend.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week of 111714 - Colony Project

What is the assignment and groups
Assignment due dates and colony group members

Research and Note Requirements explained

Save into a gdoc - shared with Mr. Rodgers, editable, in a new folder - Colony Project

111714 -
Notes on:

  • Male and Female Person that did historically important things in your colony. 
  • Died before 1750.
  • For each person - Link, Name, Years, two important details per person
111814 - 
Notes on:
  • One Event during the 1600s that had a major impact on your colonial region
  • One Event during the 1700s, before 1750, that had a major impact on your colonial region
  • For each event - Links, Name of event, years (and dates if available), three details about the event, outcome of event, groups involved
112114 - 
Notes on:
  • One important technology, tool, or scientific process used in the colony
  • One important trade good from the colony
  • For each technology or take good - Links, Name of event, years (and dates if available), three details about the event, outcome of event, groups involved

Friday, November 14, 2014

How well are students reading their homework - an activity to answer this question.

Today, Friday, students were given a time reading comprehension activity (quiz) that tested their comprehension of piece of reading that we had to summarize in writing and was discussed in class on Thursday. Combined with the summary activity and the actual reading of the article, the only homework in class all week, most students spent between 45 to 60 minutes this week that they READ and summarized the article. There was no other homework from this class that could have interfered with this assignment - divided over three days, this activity took students an average of 15 to 20 minutes a night.

Students were given the actual text as well as their notes that they took from the reading (due Thursday). The Friday timed activity required students to write short answers to 10 questions that followed the body of the text. Two questions required some inferences to be made from the text, and the other 8 questions asked students to find information in the body of the reading. 3 - 4 questions offered key terms or details that originated in one sentence in the reading that offered clear clues where the answer was to be found.

This activity was given to verify which students actually read articles thoroughly all the way through before they do homework assignments, such as summarizing a passage. From the discussion on Thursday, it was clear that several students, despite having summary notes could not discuss basic details found in the article.

Several students were very upset on Friday when I announced that I would actually verify that they read for comprehension for reading assignments.

This assignment follows from a review of the reading scores from our first trimester reading assessment given school wide. It is clear that several students have difficulty reading grade level texts and demonstrating understanding through various types of comprehension and writing activities that are vital to the study of history.

The average score out of 10 points possible was a 6.5 correct. Out of 24 students that took the test, 9 students earned an 8 or higher; 4 earned a 7; 3 earned a 6; 8 students earned scores below a 6. This quiz was not a intended to measure whether the text was thoroughly supported in a number of multi modal methods of delivery - it was a check to see if students are reading for thorough understanding when they have reading assignments. The piece corresponded very well to a three day class simulation about early colonial settlement and warfare between various alliance of Europeans and Native American.

The grade will be posted in Powerschool. If parents have any questions about reading performance scores or this or any other assignment in SS8, please email me.

Fort Caroline Short Answer Quiz - you may use the text and your notes in class to answer these questions.

Take the QUIZ here

Schedule for Nov. 17 - 21. Print this and keep it for the week.

Homeroom: go to the first scheduled period for that day

Thursday, November 13, 2014

North America - The battle for colonies

North America, Fall 1583

Open text quiz on Friday - based on the Ft. Christina reading - see previous post

There will be a quiz based on the Fort Christina reading assigned this week. Follow this link to that assignment and the reading.

Students may use a teacher supplied copy of the text in class.

Students will be grouped on an in-class followup activity based on their success on the quiz.

Students who miss this quiz will take it next Monday, and complete the follow up activity for homework at the beginning of next week.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Homework due Thursday - Readings and questions

Due Thursday, Nov. 13 -
This assignment is the equivalent of two nights of HW (Monday and Wednesday) divide it in half:

Here is a reading comparing the Spanish and the French versions of a Spanish attack on the French colony in modern Florida, known as Fort Caroline.

page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5

(you can print these out, but you can also read them on your computer screen - zoom in to view)

1. Read the entire reading - read the left column on each page first all the way through, then the right column.
2. Notice that the left column on each page is the Spanish version of events, while the right column is the French version.
3. Make a T table  (a comparison table) that covers an entire side of notebook paper vertically in order to compare what each nation said about the event.

Take Notes and write:
4. Use the T table to compare the Spanish vs. French text details for five different parts of the story about the Spanish attack.
5. Be prepared to answer questions about the two different versions when you walk into class on Thursday.

Spring 1582 - to move

Unit Placement spreadsheet

Photo of 1582 Spring Map

Map of territories - 1582 Spring

Thursday, November 6, 2014

HW for Thursday Night, 11/06/14 - as discussed in class - find your information for our North American Simulation

Due Friday.

The following homework was discussed in class thoroughly, and is quite simple.

Based on your assigned country or Native America tribe or region - assined nations list is here:

Save a gdoc titled: NASim info Last        (North American Simulation)

If you are playing a European Nation:
1. find a flag used sometime during 1580 - 1640 - copy and paste the image into your doc
2. find the name a prominent ruler from that time period. copy a picture into your document.
3. find three important facts about this ruler.
4. find an important symbol of that nation from that time period, not used in the flag.

If you are playing a Native American tribal nation:
1. find a symbol used by this tribal nation or a tribal group from the region (in the case of Ohio or Kentucky)
2. find a famous person or leader from that time period, or during a time period when they fought to protect their land later in history.
3. find and copy three important facts about this person.
4. find and copy the year that this tribe first fought a European nation, or the time period that this tribe  fought against the United States.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Reading and quiz on Thursday

Read the following two pages - make sure you understand, and can explain, the 8 (numbered) different interactions between Europeans and the America, from Exploration to Imperial Colony.

You must be signed into your school google account to access the readings:

Reading - Page 1 and page 2

Also, examine the two pages of charts and be able to explain which interactions each of these charts illustrate.

Charts - page 1 and page 2

You will be quizzed on these sheets. We discussed these in class on Tuesday.

You will have to match 4 terms to diagrams, and answer four multiple choice questions about the other four terms.

Settlements and European Realities form

Take this survey here

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week of 11/3/14

Due - Date


A. Placard:
Research element:
1. Find an appropriate picture on the internet to use for your  research topic (due 10/31)
2. Write a 15 - 25 word summary of the event

1. 8-1/2 x 11 vertical format placard:

  • Top - Title of event at top in larger letters
  • Top or bottom - the date or range of years
  • picture (hand drawn or internet source) that covers 1/2 of the center of the page
  • below the picture - 15 - 25 words that summarizes the key idea and importance of the event
  • fill the page, ink and color
  • optional to add to quality - border
2. 3x5 illustrated index card
  • front: hand drawn picture, and name of event
  • back: name of event and date
  • ink and color

Monday, October 27, 2014

Week of 102714

Due - Detail
1027 - Notes taken in class are provided here: Notes on European Religious Strife, 1521 - 1648

1028 - Complete the survey here

1028 - 1030 - Study for the Ch 2 EQ quiz on Thursday - follow the study guide and questions here

1030 EQ Ch 2 Quiz beginning of class - I hope you studied.

1031 - Find 8 internet notes for your early settlement assigned below (you must be signed into your school gdoc email account: to view this document):
My research topic - early settlements/European Realities HERE

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday night homework; EQ Chapter 2 posted

1. Homework "Advertisement" to be completed Thursday Night (see this week's blog previous entry)

1024 - 
1. Create an advertisement for a new colony in the Americas. 

1028 - EQ Quiz
EQ Questions for Chapter Two - Study guide (next Tuesday is the quiz).

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week of 10/20/14

Due Date - Detail

1021 -
1. Read SS8 Text pages 17 -24
2. Find 8 words that are not defined by the textbook
3. Write by hand on notebook paper:

  • Define each word, how it is used in pages 17 - 24
  • write the page number where each word was found.
1. Read SS8 Text page 25 - 33
2. Write 3 Essential Questions, one each for each section on the early colonies/settlements of:
  • New France
  • Jamestown
  • New Netherland
3. Write three pieces of information for each question to use in an answer to your question.

4. For more information on how to write an EQ question (covered in class):
1. Create an advertisement for a new colony in the Americas. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Iroquois Constitution Survey - Complete by Friday

Complete this short summary survey here

1. You are sharing exactly what you did today in class - summarizing your reading selection in three points.
2. Also, you must find two unique words or terms from your Constitution section.
3. Lastly, you must use two sections from your scavenger hunt notes - find that section in the Constitution, and find two unique terms that you have not shared from your own section.

Resources -
1. Use your reading notes
2. Your Iroquois Constitution Scavenger hunt notes from class today
3. review the Iroquois Constitution text - View the Iroquois Constitution here

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week of 101314

1014 T -

B. Iroquois Differentiated Assignment notes or draft only -

Student do one assignment only
See assignment type and topic STUDENT LIST here

1. Short Report: 8 notes from the internet on your topic -
        short report guidelines here (download to print) - draft due NEXT WEEK
2. Timeline: 8 events from your time period - notes only with dates - Iroquois Nation, 1500 - 1800 CE
3. Map - on a blank piece of 8.5x11 piece of paper, sketch in pencil the political boundaries of the Iroquois Confederacy with both 5 and 6 nations - Online source map

1016 Th (Two entries - see next entry as well)
1. Read a section of the Iroquois Constitution - starting with the title,"THE CONSTITUTION OF THE IROQUOIS NATIONS: THE GREAT BINDING LAW, GAYANASHAGOWA", based on the first letter of your last name

  • Last initial - numbered paragraphs
  • B - Cas 1 - 3
  • Cer - Dar 4 - 6
  • Dem - Hen  7 - 9
  • Hu - Ma 10 - 15
  • Mo - Ro 16 - 18
  • Sch - V 19
  • W - Z  20 - 21

2. View the Iroquois Constitution here - scroll down to the title of the Constitution
3. Take five notes on notebook paper that summarizes your assigned readings. Label the assigned paragraph number from the document for each note you write.

1016 Th -
Step Two - Differentiated Assignment #1
a. Short report - write the first paragraph, and outline the topic sentence and three main points for each of paragraphs 2 and 3.
b. Map - ink borders and label nations and regions
c. TL - (Timeline Guidelines here) on a 14x8.5 piece of paper, layout the placement of each event on a timeline, and sketch where the minimum four pictures will appear on the timeline.

1017 F -
Step Three - Differentiated Assignment #1
a. Short Report - finish writing the first draft of the complete report
b. Map - color the two different maps, using different colors for each adjoining territory.
c. TL - write in the text for at least six events. Draw 3 of the four pictures on the timeline.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week of 100614

Due Date - Detail

1007 -
Read online resources for Four Directions in Native American Culture

Due Tuesday:
Fill out this note table (download to print) with some notes about the four directions

1009 - Due Thursday:
Pick two different wheel directions -
write a paragraph about how the two wheel directions relate to major life decisions or relationships with people in your life.

1010 - Due Friday
Write: gdoc : Dream1010Last
1. Explain a dream that you had and find what part of the Medicine Wheel it relates to.
2. What is this dream trying to tell you?
3. 125 word minimum

Thursday, October 2, 2014

HW due Friday, Oct. 3 - Short Journal

1. Step One - Make a list: Think about dreams that you have had in the past 2 - 3 years - sleeping dreams, day dreams, or reoccurring personal goals/dreams that you wish would come true, or seems to have come true in some way.

2. Step Two - Write a paragraph (on notebook paper):
a. Pick one of these dreams.
b. Write a 50 - 100 word paragraph that 

  • describes your dream 
  • and how an element of that dream became a part of your reality
  • If the dream never became part of your reality, explain that part of your life that you had hoped would be affected by the dream in some way. 
  • If there is no dream that you can explain at all, then write about a dream that you wish you had, that would change your life in some way if it were true.
  • (do not write about very personal dreams, or dreams that you do not want to share publicly)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Missing work. Last Monday and Tuesday...

Please turn in work on time. If you need extra time, let me know, if there are valid reasons for work not being turned in on time.

Several students did not turn in the following assignments:
1. 6 panel summary of SS8 Chapter 1
2. Personal event(s) timeline.

If you have either of these assignments, they need to be turned in immediately in class tomorrow. I will let students know who has turned in each of these assignments in class tomorrow.

- Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Due Thursday - Iroquois Readings and activity

Complete Tuesday night - Read and review the following articles - you must download to print
1. Bring your printouts to class - underline important details and bracket passages on your copy.
2. You are looking for one important idea from each reading, that you can illustrate in some way in the assignment below. (Clarification answer for AV's great email question - "how many ideas should we use from the readings to draw (or show in some way) in the assignment?").

People of the Long House
Iroquois Information
Iroquois Education

Complete Wednesday night -
A. Then use these images to imagine what a tribal member of the Iroquois Nation looks like:
1. Mohawk Sachem, Hiawatha, Iroquois Chief, Iroquois Woman with Baby, Iroquois Children, Seneca man
2. Iroquois council drawings: Trial of, gathering, Penn's Peace

B. Draw a pencil sketch (not a final drawing) on 8x11 paper, horizontal layout with these details and requirements:

  • Fill the space, zoom into details
  • Show a scene of 
    • Iroquois meeting around a fire, 
    • where the Firekeeper Tadohado leads the discussion with 
    • Hiawatha, 
    • men of the council, 
    • and some women and children on the edges of the fire circle. 
  • Include appropriate clothes, and maybe the outline of a longhouse in behind the meeting.
  • Also include a European person, dressed in European clothes, who are being told about education. 
  • Write a caption that explains the scene
  • Also write some quotes from the education reading floating over head of the people, 
  • Drawing timeframe: Spend no more than 20 minutes sketching out the scene, and no more 10 minutes writing in quotes and a caption.

Monday, September 29, 2014

HW due 093014

Part 1 - Skim the FIRST link about Iroquois daily life...
Goal - find information about daily life in an Iroquois Village

Product: Write a Journal (200 word minimum, hand written, first draft) with this prompt:
What do you think it was like to live in an Iroquois Village?

  • You may use your imagination and information from the provided link to come up with ideas.
  • Focus on one type of community member in your write up.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week Overview 092214

Due - Detail
0923 -
A. Complete Chapter 1 - 6 panel graphic summary

  • Each square should have a picture that fills about 2/3 of the space of the square.
  • Each square should have a text description that adds information to the picture while explaining its details.
  • Color
  • Ink

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Washington DC and Costa Rica Trip Information

There will be two meetings, the same night about each of these trips on September 23.

The Washington DC trip meeting will take place in Mr. Fester's classroom, room 604, at 5:45 pm.

The Costa Rica trip meeting will take place in the Larkspur Department of Parks and Recreation offices near Piper Park at 6:45.

If you would like a registration flyer about the Washington DC trip, I have the forms in my classroom. If you have other questions about the trip, please attend the meeting first, then clarify your questions after the meeting with Mr. Fester.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week Overview, 091514

Due - Detail (More detailed directions here)

Note: if your parents did not complete the parent survey, please have them complete it by Wednesday night - here.

0916 - T
1. 200 word minimum Journal - explain three important personal events. Give brief cause, summary, and effect for each event.

0917 - W
1. Sketch of Cause and Effect event (from in class activity)

  • use graphics to show how different events interact with each other to be causes, and effects of a main event.
  • a number line timeline may be involved, but the assignment should use other shapes or graphic representations of time - curves, big bangs, shapes - that show intensity of the event, emotional value, and other elements that are not easily observed
  • Try to show seven different event points - event sequence, emotions, thoughts, interactions with other people, etc.
  • Be creative in coming with ideas for this pencil DRAFT
  • Label each of the seven event points

0919 - F
1. Read SS8 Chapter 1

  • There are 4 general sections about Native Americans, and 8 about different regions. You must diagram 3 general sections and 3 different regions for this assignment.
  • diagram 6 sections (three must cover different regions)
  • download the form is here 
  • each box - 2/3 space is a detailed picture, 1/3 box contains 20 - 30 words that summarizes that section
  • ink and color. Fill the space. Pictures must reflect the historical period accurately.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Night's Homework due Friday (09/12)

1. Booklet -

  • Add at least one finishing touch to your booklet from the list here
  • finish the requirements (listed on previous blog post)

Today in class - 
1. Discussed 9/11 for about 5 minutes (much more on this later)
Discussed homework work load (20 - 30 minutes a night for the average student)
2. Explained requirements for working computer and printer at home (except for financial difficulties)
3. Discussed progress on Booklet and the class created the finishing touches list
4. Student survey (and verified student emails and password)
5. Shared one uniquely American idea from our assignment

Student Survey

Click here to begin - this will be completed in class only

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week of 090814 - Booklet America, Supplies, Current Event, Parent Survey

Due - Details
09/09  -
1. Read the class blog (this page)

091114 -
2. Complete Current Event Assignment (Form questions and attached article)

  • Form is here
  • All topics below must be drawn from newspapers or major television news sites
  • Search using several keywords and review search results before deciding on a quality article
  • Print out the article from the internet or cut out from newspaper or magazine (100 word minimum)
  • Article written in past two weeks
  • If your last name starts with letters ____ then find a current event about the topic below:
    • A-G American economy - jobs, stocks, housing, banking
    • H-M Elections - candidates, primaries, voter ballot issues, propositions
    • N-R Foreign Relations of the US with other countries and involvement in the world stage
    • S-Z Trending political issues - gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, abortion requirements, gun rights, and immigration. You may find other issues - must be confirmed with Mr. Rodgers

3. Parents must complete this survey (here) this week 
4. Two entries due in the America accordion book (see assignment details here)

1. Bring current event article printout to class
2. Five entries due in accordion book

1. Eight entries due with title on cover of accordion booklet
2. Cause and Effect personal history diagram (mostly in class)

1. Sprial Notebook (70 - 80 pages, college ruled) brought to class
2. All supplies on school published supply list brought to class
3. USA Map step one complete (mostly completed in class)

Follow the class blog to receive emails with class directions, assignment links, and handouts

I would like to welcome everyone back from a longer than usual summer. I am looking forward to this year. Like you, I have to get up a bit earlier than last week and have been working overtime to get ready for the new school year.

Homework due Tuesday:
1. Follow the correct blog for your class. In the upper right corner, type in an email address in the space "follow blog." Each time the blog is updated, you will receive an email.

a. LASS7 Core - blog - Rodgers LASS7 Core - address - http://eliottrodgers.blogspot.com
b. SS8 blog - Mr. Rodgers SS8 - address - http://rodgersss8.blogspot.com

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome back to Hall... XC entry ticket

I hope you all had a great summer. Maybe some of you are ready for school to start. I am ready and excited for the new year to begin, as I am sure many of you are as well. I am looking forward to meeting everyone, and working with you to make this year a great year.

First day activity:
When you walk into class, you will be asked a question about my profile on this page. You will have to write it down and give it to me. Let's see how many of you are the students who like to scout out the school early, and even look at the teacher website.

How to find the information:
In my profile at the lower right corner of this page, answer the following questions: My wife's nameour pets, and how many years I have been teaching. If you can answer these three things, you will earn your first point of extra credit.

Why do this:
This is a reward for using resources, and trying to find out what the class is like. If you would like, you can look at old class blog posts and handouts (which are mostly rubrics I use in class).

Friday, June 13, 2014

Americana Festival - Monday

Many students have told me about the foods they are bringing to class for our 8th grade festival.

Remember the requirements for food:
1. No sodas, no packaged candy, no potato chips.
2. Any foods you make or buy should be approved by parents.
3. If you are using any type of nuts, please inform Mr. Rodgers at the beginning of the period. These foods should be labelled before we serve food.
4. The food should reflect a favorite food that is either distinctly American, or a food from a culture you identify with that is now part of the American diet.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Two Quizzes on your Block Day AND bring your textbook to return it.

STUDY FOR Block Day Test:

Links to Group Study Guides and Slide Shows

SS8 - Period 5 resources here and EQs here
SS8 - Period 6 resources here and EQs here

During class we interviewed and asked for clarification of slide shows and study guides.
1. Pick two theme groups to study their slide shows and study guides.
2. You will take a separate quiz for each of these two presentations
3. Each quiz is made up of 10 Multiple Choice Questions and an EQ of your choice.

Study suggestions:
1. Read the selected slide shows word for word.
2. Read the selected study guides word for word.
3. Take note of the slides and study questions that are more difficult. Study these more often. Take these slides and questions apart piece by piece to understand each.
4. EQs - practice your written answer using the information from the slide shows.

Also, Bring your SS8 Textbooks to return them this week. If you have more than one, return both copies.

End of year Americana Celebration
Americana Celebration on Monday - No Sodas, No Chips, No packaged candy

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Work Due this week, 0602 - 060614

SS8 - Due Dates

060314 -
Editors - Finish Test Form
Members - Study Guide complete
All - Practice Presentations

0604/060514 -
Study Session in class and HW
Finish class presentations

060614 -
Test for your own group material (10 MC, 5 Fill-in, 2 EQ)

0611/12 -
Test for 2 other groups (each test 10 MC + 1 EQ)
Last day to turn in any unfinished work this Trimester

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Work Due Week of May 27 - 30

3. Portfolio - due 052814 - link here
  • 1. Table of Contents - you will get time to finish this in class. It must be printed in class.
  • 2. Journal - 200 word, three paragraph minimum response to types of assignments, favorite assignments, and areas/units you enjoyed learning about
    • about 5 students completed these portfolio steps in each class.
052714 - Complete the Test Question/Group performance survey - link here

052814 - Complete the SS Culminating Project Presentation with all student work that will appear in the final assignment. 

(This is an absolute due date for all student work for the project, necessary to earn the group grade. If a student does not contribute, that student will not earn the group grade, and the group grade will be computed and award to students who have completed all assignments on time.)

Class Schedule May 28/29 this week


Class portfolio - write-up due 052814

Due 052814
1. Label your portfolio folder -

  • tab - Last, First name - period of class
  • Front:
    • Social Studies
    • Grade level
    • Mr. Rodgers - Room 601
    • 2013-2014
2. Table of Contents
  • pick a minimum of a variety of 10 assignments that you liked to do, were favorites, or that you learned by doing. You may have up to 15 assignments
    • You can include assignments that were just turned in or that you will turn in soon
  • Title your portfolio - My Social Studies portfolio
  • Make a list of assignments in order
    • title (you can name the assignment based on the content or ideas)
    • date or month
    • you decide the order of assignments
3. Journal Reflection on portfolio
  • Write at least 200 words about:
    • Best type of work that you did in this class
    • Favorite assignment, other than best type of work (1 - 2 different assignments)
    • Something you enjoyed learning in this class, that was not necessarily tied to any assignments in the portfolio, but may related to portfolio assignments.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Test Questions and Group Performance Survey. Due Tuesday, May 26

Homework for Wednesday and Thursday night - Due next Tuesday:

Also, time to start building your group test - follow these steps - due next Tuesday:

1. Based on the materials YOU have researched,

2. Complete the following two-part surveyTEST QUESTIONS and Group Performance Survey,

each person must write

  • 4 simpler questions that can be turned into MC or fill-in the blank type of questions
  • 2 EQ questions about the same material. 
    • EQ questions ask about a concept or process, and require a definition and 2 - 3 pieces of evidence/details to explain how that concept applies to history

Question content in relation to the group Slide Show:
3. the questions should cover elements shared in your group slide show that you contributed

4. each questions should cover a different area of information that you contributed or researched

5. all questions must reflect content shared in the slide show, since this is what all students will see

  • if you have a question you feel is important, but the content is not in the slide show
  • you must add the information and graphic to the slide show
PART TWO - Group Performance is self explanatory.

Substitute Plan for Wednesday, May 21

View class direction here

Monday, May 19, 2014

Scanned Project Work

All scanned maps, timelines, charts, and other graphics are in your group shared folder, in a new folder called scanned work. 

1. Make sure that you use as many student created graphics as possible.
2. Each graphic must have a text explanation.
3. If a graphic does not pass the minimum requirements for a quality assignment based on the groups standards, then the final slide show should not include such work.

  • students can update, correct, or redo assignments that do not meet minimum requirements.
  • the group can substitute internet graphics occasionally for such assignments.
4. The final slide show must include a sufficient number of student created assignments. 

5. If the slide show includes work that does NOT meet minimum requirements, then the slide show grade will lose points.

SS8 - Work for the week of 0519 to 052314

SS8 - all dates are DUE dates

0521 (period 6)/ 0522 (period 5) -
A. Complete First draft of the Group Slide Show (See Final Slide Show direction here)
1. Individually, each person must create slides for all graphics and their related text blurbs.
2. If a person is missing either a text or a graphic, for a slide, then that person must write the text or find a graphic for their written text.
3. Other materials, such as the Short Report or Travel Log assignment text can also be included (see below)
4. Since this is a first draft of the slide show, order of slides, final graphics, and uniformity are due on 052314 when the final slide show is completed.

B. Travel Log or Short Report:
In groups, students may choose to do a Travel Log OR a Short Report
1. 3 paragraphs
2. 300 - 400 words overall
3. typed in a gdoc: FirstLTrLog or FirstLShRep

Short Report directions
Travel Log directions

052314 -
A. Completed Slide Show (See Final Slide Show direction here)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Clarification on Current Event Article...

For the current event article assignment, write a 4 - 5 sentence summary of the article and its importance.

Save the write up in a gdoc, AND copy the article link to the document.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Work this week for the Culminating Project

SS8 - All dates are DUE DATES:

The following assignments help groups show key events and people that were important for each group's topic:

051414/051514 - one assignment
Each person in the group must write out a final blurb (3 - 4 sentences) about their found person and event (1 blurb for each = 2 blurbs). Find a picture of each person and event that you wrote about. Copy the picture into the gdoc, copy the url below each picture. Use notes from previous assignment (FirstLPE) (bullet points about an medieval event and person). Save as: FirstL18thEventfinal

051614 - two assignments due:
Part 1. Current event article from your topic (last 6 months) - about an issue related to your topic.

  • If your 19th Century topic is slavery, then a modern current event can relate to human trafficking, sweat shops, and transporting of people illegally across borders
  • Then find an article about an event that has happened in the past 6 months
a. Print out the article.
b. We will complete the writeup and current event activity in class.
a. write up a 4 -5 sentence summary of your article.
b. include the link to the article.
c. print out the article and put it in the group file folder in class.

Part 2. Research about the MODERN issue related to your article in the United States in the past 15 - 20 years.
a. Each person must research the recent history of the issue from your current event within the past 15 - 20 years.
b. NOW find out about this issue in the past 15 - 20 years.
c. copy the web address into your gdoc.
c. Find and copy, into your gdoc, a graphic that illustrates this event.
d. writeup a 4 - 5 sentence summary of the history of this event in the past 15 - 20 years.

Suggestion - your article is about a current event when a person was arrested for human trafficking after the police arrested illegal immigrants working at a restaurant.

a. Write a blurb about this background history from the past 15 - 20 years.
a.1. Include the link to the website you used to find this information.
b. include a picture and its link found on the internet related to this background.
d. Save as: FirstLModEv

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Project - individual assignment - find text except - due Tuesday, 051314

For your project group, each individual must use the internet or books to find the following:
1. a excerpt, or part, of a speech, story, novel, or a complete poem (should vary)
2. that covers your group's element (daily life, war, politics, etc.)
3. that discusses a different concept, topic, or theme for each person.

Example -
For the politics group:
person 1 finds an excerpt from a novel with a scene that has a Congress person in it
person 2 finds a poem about losing an election
person 3 finds an excerpt from an important inauguration speech

gdoc in group folder

save as: FirstLTX

Culminating Project: Due May 13 - 14

Due Next Block day - Wednesday or Thursday, 0513 - 051414
1. As a group - in class on Tuesday, create a list events and trends about your topic on the internet, from books, or from your notes.
2. There should be at least two items for each group member.
2. As a group, divide the list of events so that each person gets a first pick of an event, then a second event.

Output -
write a summary of each of the two events assigned by your group. Summaries should include:
  • Define the event
  • Where and when the event or trend took place
  • A famous person involved, and what they did during this event (if possible)
  • Outcome or lasting effect of the event - how it affected future events
  • These text blocks can be used for the group presentation, or as the beginning of a short report.
gDoc - FirstL2EVsumm in group shared folder

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bring student supplies for maps and charts...

In order to continue working in class, students need to bring their own supplies to share with their groups, since the class supplies have been readily depleted this week and last.

Each student should have:
1. colored pencil set
2. a fine point sharpie
3. a manual pencil sharpener for colored pencils.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Due each day this week - Map or Chart Assignment, Individual Assignment

Due Tuesday, 050514
1. Map or chart assignment - each person in the group must complete a time period chart or map - AS DISCUSSED in class.
2. Map or chart must be completely inked when entering class on Tuesday.
3. We will finish labeling and coloring in class - bring your colored pencils and sharpies.
4. Blank maps passed out in class - here, lthough students may find others. Maps should cover most of an 8-1/2x11.

Due Wednesday/Thursday Block Days, 0506 - 050714
1. Second assignment from in class discussion with your group.

  • 2 individuals in the group must complete two different timelines related to your group topic
  • If a person completed a map as the first assignment, all other individuals in the group must complete a chart illustrating a concept, mechanism, or causal relationship between two events. 
  • If a person completed a chart as the first assignment,  then they must complete a map of a new idea, not previously completed as a map by another group member.

  • In the end, each person must complete either a timeline, map, or chart for their second assignment, based on the list above.

2. If you were absent, you will get an extension, but must discuss the group assignment list in class.

3. Completed FIRST assignment, assigned on Monday (above)

Friday - Completed second assignment at the beginning of class.

Monday, April 28, 2014

HW due this week starting April 28

Due - Details

042914 - No Homework, since you just took a test on 0428, and probably studied this weekend.

043014 -
Culminating Project Checklist and Homework - Day One:
1. Find the Group folder shared with your group - this is where ALL group and individual work WILL be saved in order for it to be considered turned in.

2. HW -
activity -
a. find three websites with DIFFERENT ideas related to your topic from the 1800s related to the United States.
b. copy the url of each website.
c. summarize what each website discusses related to your group topic.

output -
a. Shared gdoc in the group folder.
b. Save the gdoc as: First Name - Last initial - 3web - (example: EliottR3web)

0501/0502 - Block day due
activity -
a. find three different websites with pictures that relate to your topic.
b. you may use maps or charts. You are looking for graphics to support your topic.
c. with each copied link, copy at least one picture, and describe each in about 2 sentences.

output -
a. as above - AND - First Name - Last initial - 3pics (example: EliottR3pic)

0503 - Friday
activity -
a. Find information about one important person, one important event, AND one event that followed from this event or person in the future that was significant.
b. copy each website you used to find this information.
c. copy a picture of the person, a picture related to the event, and the following event.
d. copy the website for each picture.

output -  as above - "related" (example: EliottR3related)

Constitution Test - Part 2 in class 042814


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Track and Field Students

I am happy to hear that you are representing Hall MS at the upcoming Track Meet. At the same time, I want you to be prepared for our second half of the Constitution Test on Monday. Originally, this second half, a 25 question MC/Matching format test, was to be given on Friday, but since several students will be attending the track meet, I moved the test to next Monday.

1. Follow the blog after class on Friday:
  • Look for links to all of the materials we have used in class that will be used to create questions for the second half of the test.
  • Look for questions asked in class for both periods. Study these to make sure that you understand material presented during review.
2. Send me email this weekend if you have questions about the Constitution Test - part 2. 

Good Luck,

- Mr. Rodgers

Culminating Project Interests Survey

Help decide what topics and time period you will study for the Culminating Project -

Take this survey...

HW due Friday, 42514

For period 5 - here are some questions that you need to answer for homework. These will inspire review for the Multiple Choice part of the Constitution Test next Monday.

Period 6 - Study your notes.

Both Classes -
1. We will have one review session for next Monday's test in class on Friday. Look for notes from tomorrow's session. Areas to study are included HERE.
2. We will correct the homework originally due 042414 - see blog here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

HW due on Thursday, April 24, in period 5/6 (normal M,T,F schedule)

Complete the two in class handouts - Due Thursday at the beginning of class:
Checks and Balances (one sided)
Classifying Amendments and Interpreting the Bill of Rights (two sided(

Started in class, finish as homework.

Also, study the following handouts:
Previously passed out:
Checks and Balances
How a Bill becomes a Law
How a Bill becomes a Law #2


Study Guide - Articles and Amendments of the Constitution chart

Monday, April 21, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

House Bill path to passage

On average, less than 10 percent of bills that gain passage in the House become actual law.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

HW due Friday, 040414

1. As discussed in Tuesday, and reminded in block classes, I will collect all notes and assignments in your binder that has to to do with Constitution work.

  • I covered all assignments from the blog in class on Tuesday.
  • If you were missing ANY assignment, whether you were absent, or otherwise, you need to make up each assignment, as reminded on Tuesday.
  • These assignments and notes will be collected on Friday for period 5.
2. If you did not complete the #b section of Monday night's homework, use this link and answer the general questions at the bottom of the page and the top of the second page about your the topic of your Current Event.

b. After completing the Current Event complete the following write-up
  1. use the internet to find the information to answer the following areas
  2. you must have two different websites as sources for your write-up

    1. Define the issues in everyday language
    2. Explain how this issue has changes over time - four changes over time
    3. Find a major example of a case or law for this issue

Monday, March 31, 2014

Activity and Homework - Current Event and concept summary, March 31, 2014

Here is the Activity for Monday:

Here is Current Event form if you did not get it in class

The Activity was started in class and is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday - on paper.

When a computer is shared in class...

For your current event assignment:
1. Find an article. Send yourself an email of the link of the article.
2. Read it.
3. Write up your summary by hand using the supplied form.
4. Once you start the write up, let another person who does not have a computer do steps 1 - 3.
5. Students can also use the two computers in the back of the room.
6. Each student must turn in their own self written current event write-up.
7. Students should knowingly find their own articles, and not openly share articles.

Finish the rest of the homework on the topic questions from the in class handout, which is identical to the blog requirements via the blog link.

See you Tuesday,

- Mr. R

Thursday, March 27, 2014

HW due Friday, 032814, Amendment 13 and 14 and Separate, but Equal (Plessy v. Ferguson)

While Mr. Rodgers works with Mrs. Ferguson on District Curriculum goals and outcomes for 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies today:

HW due for Friday, started in class

Read Amendment 13 and 14 (links for both), the link below and write three paragraphs on paper.

1. For each amendment, summarize the basic ideas about former slaves and citizenship in a paragraph (#1).
2. Write a paragraph (#2) about the differences of no longer being a slave (Amendment 13) versus getting the full protection of citizenship (Amendment 14) two and half years later.

  • What did being free mean?
  • What did having the rights of all other citizens mean?

3. Read this link: Plessy v. Ferguson. Write a paragraph (#3) that answers these issues or questions:

  • Is separate, but equal the best course of action to take for a society that at the time had very strong racial views? Why or why not?
  • What advantages and disadvantages do you think the idea of "separate, but equal" offered African Americans?
  • Is separate, equal?
4. When done, continue watching the Constitutional Convention Movie and taking notes (on the form) until the end of the period.

Monday, March 24, 2014

HW due 032514 - The Dream Act

HW due Tuesday -
Find out what the DREAM Act is:

Complete this homework on a piece of paper using a pen. Typed copy will not be accepted.

1. Define it.
1a. What article, section, clause entitles Congress to create a law like the DREAM Act.

2. Why has it not become law in this Congress?

3. Find two different stories about different people that the DREAM Act is designed to help.
a. explain their background and

b. their accomplishments

Thursday, March 20, 2014

XC 2 points

What is constitutional requirement for a senate confirmation vote?

Cut and paste the actual text from the constitution that answers the above question. Do not include any other sections or articles of the Constitution to receive XC points.

Also, in order to receive credit, summarize the simple answer to the above question in your own words below the constitutional text. Explain the two instances where the term "confirmation" applies.

Is there a phrase that directly relates to this type of vote (1 additional XC point).

Due Tuesday at the very beginning of class - handwritten required. It will not be accepted in any other form, nor will it be accepted if typed.

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

XC Option moved to Thursday Night, due Friday - 3 XC points possible.

Homework due for Block Day, March 19 or 20th

Directions for Homework – For the checks and balances for each numbered section below, find the Article, Section, and Clause (if it exists) where that Check can be found in the US Constitution. Find the appropriate section with an actual text of the Constitution or with the aid of the internet and carefully worded searches to find the correct answers.
B. Checks and Balances of the Executive Branch
1. The Executive Branch is given the power to carry out the laws. It has the following checks over the Legislative Branch:
Veto power –

Answer: Article I, Section 7, Clause 2 -
You may use one of the following handouts to complete this homework: