Thursday, November 6, 2014

HW for Thursday Night, 11/06/14 - as discussed in class - find your information for our North American Simulation

Due Friday.

The following homework was discussed in class thoroughly, and is quite simple.

Based on your assigned country or Native America tribe or region - assined nations list is here:

Save a gdoc titled: NASim info Last        (North American Simulation)

If you are playing a European Nation:
1. find a flag used sometime during 1580 - 1640 - copy and paste the image into your doc
2. find the name a prominent ruler from that time period. copy a picture into your document.
3. find three important facts about this ruler.
4. find an important symbol of that nation from that time period, not used in the flag.

If you are playing a Native American tribal nation:
1. find a symbol used by this tribal nation or a tribal group from the region (in the case of Ohio or Kentucky)
2. find a famous person or leader from that time period, or during a time period when they fought to protect their land later in history.
3. find and copy three important facts about this person.
4. find and copy the year that this tribe first fought a European nation, or the time period that this tribe  fought against the United States.

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