Wednesday, November 19, 2014

As the trimester is coming to a close... grades are being posted...

I recently updated all old missing assignments in Power School from Missing to a grade a zero. This undoubtedly lowered some students grades who did not turn in work. Currently all late work and no-name work has been identified and processed.

If you have work that is marked as zero, or missing, or the combination of zero-missing, then you need to
1. print out any assignments that are in gdoc format
2. print out a grade sheet for SS8 - you must do this at this point.
3. Attach all assignments in question to the grade sheet
4. highlight the assignments on the grade sheet
5. write the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc next to each assignment in question on the grade sheet
6. lastly, number each piece of paper that is attached with the same number from the grade sheet.
7. turn it in ASAP.
8. I will update any turned in missing or late assignments this weekend.

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