Monday, October 13, 2014

Week of 101314

1014 T -

B. Iroquois Differentiated Assignment notes or draft only -

Student do one assignment only
See assignment type and topic STUDENT LIST here

1. Short Report: 8 notes from the internet on your topic -
        short report guidelines here (download to print) - draft due NEXT WEEK
2. Timeline: 8 events from your time period - notes only with dates - Iroquois Nation, 1500 - 1800 CE
3. Map - on a blank piece of 8.5x11 piece of paper, sketch in pencil the political boundaries of the Iroquois Confederacy with both 5 and 6 nations - Online source map

1016 Th (Two entries - see next entry as well)
1. Read a section of the Iroquois Constitution - starting with the title,"THE CONSTITUTION OF THE IROQUOIS NATIONS: THE GREAT BINDING LAW, GAYANASHAGOWA", based on the first letter of your last name

  • Last initial - numbered paragraphs
  • B - Cas 1 - 3
  • Cer - Dar 4 - 6
  • Dem - Hen  7 - 9
  • Hu - Ma 10 - 15
  • Mo - Ro 16 - 18
  • Sch - V 19
  • W - Z  20 - 21

2. View the Iroquois Constitution here - scroll down to the title of the Constitution
3. Take five notes on notebook paper that summarizes your assigned readings. Label the assigned paragraph number from the document for each note you write.

1016 Th -
Step Two - Differentiated Assignment #1
a. Short report - write the first paragraph, and outline the topic sentence and three main points for each of paragraphs 2 and 3.
b. Map - ink borders and label nations and regions
c. TL - (Timeline Guidelines here) on a 14x8.5 piece of paper, layout the placement of each event on a timeline, and sketch where the minimum four pictures will appear on the timeline.

1017 F -
Step Three - Differentiated Assignment #1
a. Short Report - finish writing the first draft of the complete report
b. Map - color the two different maps, using different colors for each adjoining territory.
c. TL - write in the text for at least six events. Draw 3 of the four pictures on the timeline.

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