Thursday, May 8, 2014

Culminating Project: Due May 13 - 14

Due Next Block day - Wednesday or Thursday, 0513 - 051414
1. As a group - in class on Tuesday, create a list events and trends about your topic on the internet, from books, or from your notes.
2. There should be at least two items for each group member.
2. As a group, divide the list of events so that each person gets a first pick of an event, then a second event.

Output -
write a summary of each of the two events assigned by your group. Summaries should include:
  • Define the event
  • Where and when the event or trend took place
  • A famous person involved, and what they did during this event (if possible)
  • Outcome or lasting effect of the event - how it affected future events
  • These text blocks can be used for the group presentation, or as the beginning of a short report.
gDoc - FirstL2EVsumm in group shared folder

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