Monday, April 28, 2014

HW due this week starting April 28

Due - Details

042914 - No Homework, since you just took a test on 0428, and probably studied this weekend.

043014 -
Culminating Project Checklist and Homework - Day One:
1. Find the Group folder shared with your group - this is where ALL group and individual work WILL be saved in order for it to be considered turned in.

2. HW -
activity -
a. find three websites with DIFFERENT ideas related to your topic from the 1800s related to the United States.
b. copy the url of each website.
c. summarize what each website discusses related to your group topic.

output -
a. Shared gdoc in the group folder.
b. Save the gdoc as: First Name - Last initial - 3web - (example: EliottR3web)

0501/0502 - Block day due
activity -
a. find three different websites with pictures that relate to your topic.
b. you may use maps or charts. You are looking for graphics to support your topic.
c. with each copied link, copy at least one picture, and describe each in about 2 sentences.

output -
a. as above - AND - First Name - Last initial - 3pics (example: EliottR3pic)

0503 - Friday
activity -
a. Find information about one important person, one important event, AND one event that followed from this event or person in the future that was significant.
b. copy each website you used to find this information.
c. copy a picture of the person, a picture related to the event, and the following event.
d. copy the website for each picture.

output -  as above - "related" (example: EliottR3related)

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