Thursday, March 27, 2014

HW due Friday, 032814, Amendment 13 and 14 and Separate, but Equal (Plessy v. Ferguson)

While Mr. Rodgers works with Mrs. Ferguson on District Curriculum goals and outcomes for 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies today:

HW due for Friday, started in class

Read Amendment 13 and 14 (links for both), the link below and write three paragraphs on paper.

1. For each amendment, summarize the basic ideas about former slaves and citizenship in a paragraph (#1).
2. Write a paragraph (#2) about the differences of no longer being a slave (Amendment 13) versus getting the full protection of citizenship (Amendment 14) two and half years later.

  • What did being free mean?
  • What did having the rights of all other citizens mean?

3. Read this link: Plessy v. Ferguson. Write a paragraph (#3) that answers these issues or questions:

  • Is separate, but equal the best course of action to take for a society that at the time had very strong racial views? Why or why not?
  • What advantages and disadvantages do you think the idea of "separate, but equal" offered African Americans?
  • Is separate, equal?
4. When done, continue watching the Constitutional Convention Movie and taking notes (on the form) until the end of the period.

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