Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Test Questions and Group Performance Survey. Due Tuesday, May 26

Homework for Wednesday and Thursday night - Due next Tuesday:

Also, time to start building your group test - follow these steps - due next Tuesday:

1. Based on the materials YOU have researched,

2. Complete the following two-part surveyTEST QUESTIONS and Group Performance Survey,

each person must write

  • 4 simpler questions that can be turned into MC or fill-in the blank type of questions
  • 2 EQ questions about the same material. 
    • EQ questions ask about a concept or process, and require a definition and 2 - 3 pieces of evidence/details to explain how that concept applies to history

Question content in relation to the group Slide Show:
3. the questions should cover elements shared in your group slide show that you contributed

4. each questions should cover a different area of information that you contributed or researched

5. all questions must reflect content shared in the slide show, since this is what all students will see

  • if you have a question you feel is important, but the content is not in the slide show
  • you must add the information and graphic to the slide show
PART TWO - Group Performance is self explanatory.

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