Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Due Thursday - Iroquois Readings and activity

Complete Tuesday night - Read and review the following articles - you must download to print
1. Bring your printouts to class - underline important details and bracket passages on your copy.
2. You are looking for one important idea from each reading, that you can illustrate in some way in the assignment below. (Clarification answer for AV's great email question - "how many ideas should we use from the readings to draw (or show in some way) in the assignment?").

People of the Long House
Iroquois Information
Iroquois Education

Complete Wednesday night -
A. Then use these images to imagine what a tribal member of the Iroquois Nation looks like:
1. Mohawk Sachem, Hiawatha, Iroquois Chief, Iroquois Woman with Baby, Iroquois Children, Seneca man
2. Iroquois council drawings: Trial of, gathering, Penn's Peace

B. Draw a pencil sketch (not a final drawing) on 8x11 paper, horizontal layout with these details and requirements:

  • Fill the space, zoom into details
  • Show a scene of 
    • Iroquois meeting around a fire, 
    • where the Firekeeper Tadohado leads the discussion with 
    • Hiawatha, 
    • men of the council, 
    • and some women and children on the edges of the fire circle. 
  • Include appropriate clothes, and maybe the outline of a longhouse in behind the meeting.
  • Also include a European person, dressed in European clothes, who are being told about education. 
  • Write a caption that explains the scene
  • Also write some quotes from the education reading floating over head of the people, 
  • Drawing timeframe: Spend no more than 20 minutes sketching out the scene, and no more 10 minutes writing in quotes and a caption.

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