Tuesday, December 9, 2014

HW due Thursday

Following up on lines of poetry that we will use to write a rap performance for each group...

Today in class we examined the two poems from last night's homework, and practiced using this verse to perform using different strategies and styles to turn the words into a performance.

Read the introduction (before the outline) to "The Glorious Revolution" article in Wikipedia here.

As you read:
1. Notice in the middle of paragraph three, a reference to the overthrow of colonial governments in Maryland and the Dominion of New England.

2. Notice in the outline a reference to the English Bill of Rights. This was the first Bill of Right since the Romans.

In the article, click on the following links and read:
Dominion of New England

  • Read the introduction to this article.

Bill of Rights - 

  • Read the introduction
  • Read the list under the heading "The Bill of Rights also vindicated and asserted the nation's "ancient rights and liberties" by declaring:"
Writing due Thursday:
1. Summarize, on notebook paper, by hand, in 4 bullet points each:
a. What major event occurred during the Glorious Revolution?
b. What was the Dominion of New England? Was it successful? Who was the governor?
c. What are some of the rights guaranteed by the English Bill of Rights?

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