Sunday, June 21, 2015

T3 Grade Distribution - SS8

The end of the year project, that had a built in extra credit option, as well as most students doing exceedingly well on the the student created tests for each group project (students had to take three of these tests), gave students an opportunity to do very well this trimester.

Here is the grade breakdown for the Third Trimester - 24 students
A - 11
B - 8
C - 2
D - 1
F - 2

Students demonstrating their learning through a variety of differentiated, and self selected assignments that combined demonstrated their abilities and mastery of the standards for this project. Students managed and tracked each other's progress.  Mr. R tracked and counseled students that fell behind. Students were given a print out page of their Powerschool breakdown on the last full work week in class, the week before the picnic week, to make sure that students were dually notified of late or missing assignments that needed immediate attention.

I hope you all have a great summer, and enjoy your entry into high school!

- Mr. Rodgers

Monday, June 8, 2015

HW week of 0608

This week for homework and in class -
1. Turn in all project assignments
  • print all assignments that are not performances and computer category assignments.
2. Turn in any late work based on Powerschool.
  • graded work for the past two weeks of assignments will be passed out on Tuesday in order to verify any No Name assignments.
  • all graded work including late or makeup work is due on Friday, June 12.
3. Group presentations and Project performance assignments
4. Thursday - Take your group test 15 out of 15 questions. Take two other group project quizzes - earn 10 points by answering 10 of 15 questions correctly.
5. Study for quizzes and tests from group slideshows - STUDY SLIDESHOWS HERE.
  • if you do not see your slideshow displayed on the study page, then SEND a link of your slide show to Mr. Rodgers via email.
6. Turn in all textbooks.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

In class activities - 06/04

All short written responses:
1. Journal (200 wd min) - If I could change one thing about history - what would it be and why?
2. EQ - What makes a great president great? Use important examples and details.
3. Movie notes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week of 060115

Due - Detail
0601 -
3 project assignments checked off
emails sent home for students that are behind

0602 -
4 project assignments checked off

0604 -
All project assignments
Group Board complete
Groups ready to make presentations

0605 -
Group continue making presentations

0609 -
Group tests taken - Each student must take
1. your group test (15 questions correct)
2. two other group tests (10 questions correct per other group tests)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Students must complete the Group Project survey - it is worth 5 points

Go HERE and scroll down to GROUP PROJECT SURVEY

Updated President's Project overview

President's Project overview HERE

Zoe raised the issue that the 2 video that each group member must find, was confusing, since it was transferred from the 7th grade MediNations assignment...

Here is the updated video requirement:

Two Video clips about your president or an issue or event that happened during his presidency or a parallel issue that happened during Obama or GW Bush’s presidencies.

Each group member - 5 points

Share on a group document with each link and a 1 sentence description of each video that you found.

In class work today

1. Computer usage REMINDERS -
  • Unplug all computers taking group computers
  • last five minutes - return AND plug in computers at end of core. 
    • (reward for two volunteers that plug in all - rewarded by Mr. R on Friday)
2. Computer survey - 
3. Group Project work with computers:
  • Complete THIS SURVEY HERE for all of your individual group project work.
  • If you have completed all of your project work, then do one EXTRA CREDIT assignment for the project (due no later than next Tuesday)
  • Plan out your project board on paper. In order to work on project boards on Friday, you must have a sketched plan.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week of May 26 - Presidents Project schedule

This week we will have computers in class on Tuesday and Thursday to work on projects

Homework - divide your homework to meet these deadlines for - T, W, Th night
Due - Detail
0526 - One item completed
0528 - Two items completed at the beginning of class
0529 - Three items completed at the beginning of class

Refer back to this link about the project HERE - each group has their own assignment sheets shared with the group

Monday, May 18, 2015

Due 051915 - In class assignment - complete as HW

Due - Detail:

051915 -
As discussed in class on Monday here is the work started in class on Monday, due Tuesday:
Now that we have completed some basic research on our three Presidents for each group, now is the time to start the actual Project.
- The project timeline for assignments and activities will be covered on Tuesday and posted then.

052115 -
In class, we started the following:

  1. Look up your assigned President in your group.
  2. Use Wikipedia or other general History site.
  3. Create a gdoc and save it in the group shared folder for your group.
  4. List and explain the following in 1 -2 sentences each
    • Three issues that were important during this presidency
    • Three actions or events that occurred during this presidency
  5. Save the link in the gdoc of the site you found each piece of information.
052215 - 
In class we started to divide up the project checklist for each group - Complete a rough draft or sketch of your first assignment....

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week of 051115 UPDATED

1. Friday Advisory - If you need to turn in missing assignments, verify grades, or meet if you are receiving a progress report (most grades were posted over two weeks ago), then arrange to see me in Advisory.

Due Date:
051415 - based on in class handouts and directions given in class -
1. Read the Best President article given to your group (you may notate and highlight the article)
2. Summarize the article on Notebook paper by answering these questions:

  • Title - The name of person and years as President
  • 3 character traits that made this President successful
  • 3 actions that this President made as that made a difference DURING his presidency
  • 3 events that occurred during his Presidency that he handled either effectively, or not, or that he took credit (or was blamed) for because it happened during his term in office
Groups - 1 - Lincoln; 2 - Jackson; 3 - Jefferson; 4 - Washington; 5 - T Roosevelt

NOTE - In class on Thursday, 0514, we had sufficient time to complete the WORST President reading and summary activity.
WORST President by Groups - 1 - Buchanan; 2 - Garfield; 3 - Tyler; 4 - A Johnson; 5 - Hayes


1. Read the MIDDLE President article given to your group (you may notate and highlight the article)
2. Summarize the article on Notebook paper by answering these questions:

  • Title - The name of person and years as President
  • 3 character traits that made this President successful
  • 3 actions that this President made as that made a difference DURING his presidency
  • 3 events that occurred during his Presidency that he handled either effectively, or not, or that he took credit (or was blamed) for because it happened during his term in office

Middle Presidents by Groups - 1 - Monroe; 2 - Cleveland; 3 - Grant; 4 - Polk; 5 - Madison

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week of 050415 - Testing Week Schedule and HW

Testing Schedule:
This week we have a unique testing schedule found HERE. Students must be on time every day to class. 
The starting periods for each day this week are as follows:
M - 1st, T - 2nd, W - 5th, Th - 3rd, F - 6th
ELA testing this week, Math testing next week - 

  • Test activities will occur in all Mr. McMullen's Language Arts and Mr. Rodgers's Social Studies classes until the three steps of the testing are complete:
    • In Mr. McMullen's class - Period 5 Wednesday (day starts) - ELA test part one
    • In Mr. Rodgers's class - Period 3 Wednesday - ELA test part two
    • In Mr. Rodgers's class - Period 3 Thursday (day starts) - ELA test part three

Due Friday, May 8 - 
  1. Last week we read SS8 Ch 11. Refer back to the book to complete this survey.
  2. Complete the President Washington Ch 11 - part 1 - Survey HERE for homework...
Due Wed., May 13 - 
  1. last Tuesday HW was assigned in class that did not make it to the blog - bring it to class if you didn't finish it:
    • Ch 11 - Write 3 EQ and 3 bullet point detailed answers elements per question.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Small Test on Thursday - study notes for Amendments 8 - 10

Due on Thursday - HW and study for Test
1. Summarize Amendments 9 and 10 in five summary points each amendment
2. Use this handout to review and complete the homework for Amendments 8 - 10 HERE

3. Study for the test on Amendments 1 - 10, the Bill of Rights using these RESOURCES HERE in the activities section of the page

4. The Test will be about:

  • Bill of Rights
  • Some well known examples
  • You will be asked to create two different scenarios that illustrate a problem in the Bill of Rights

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of 042715

Monday - in class:

  1. Take out your Amendments Explained handout
  2. Get Chromebook - one person per table gets Chromebooks for each person at table
  3. Get a textbook and turn to the Amendments text (p 487) - or you can use an online CONSTITUTION HERE
  4. Today you will be working with all of the Amendments in the Bill of Rights 
  5. Since we have not worked with Amendments 7 - 10 that much yet, read the Text and Explained parts before you begin today's activities.
1. Warm up with this game (10 minutes max) Help Restore the Bill of Rights
2. Watch this review of the Amendments HERE
3. Review the Bill of Rights with these games:
Homework - due Tuesday
1. Study for a simple Bill of Rights quiz on Tuesday
2. Use these online flashcards HERE - click the LEARN button to begin

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Week of 042015 - UPDATED

Due - Date

0420 -
Class Notes - Most Amendments are powers denied Congress

0421 - ASNAmendment student scenarios (collected 0423)
1. Resources:
Use a text of the Bill of Rights Amendments
Use this handout - Bill of Rights... Explained to understand each Amendment clearly

2. Read your Assigned Amendment text and the explained handout from the list below.
Using the Bill of Rights (1791) Plus Due Process Explained handout:

3. READ the Following Amendment and the Explained NUMBERED Point under that Amendment

Find your name on this LIST HERE

4. WRITE: Create THREE short written scenarios that illustrate your assigned point for your assigned Amendment

0423 - 
1. Find a summary of a Supreme Court case related to your assigned Amendment Summary point.
2. In Google, type in various key words related to your summary point.
3. Summarize the case as follows on notebook paper (3 - 5 points per question below):

  • basics of case
  • the Constitutional Rights question raised
  • the findings of the court
4. In Class - Scavenger hunt of examples

0424 - 
1. Find a 1 - 3 minute video that clearly illustrates the issues raised by your summary point.
2. Share the link and a brief summary on THIS SURVEY HERE

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week of 040615

HW Due - Date:
(See below for in class activities)

040715 - each person works on the slide show this week for HW
040915 -
1. Read two of the following articles
2. Then read the Constitution with the link above at us - focus on Article 2, Section 2, second paragraph.

2. Write a summary of the article as follows:
Using these cases, answer these 3 questions. Include information from each article and the two passages from the Constitution to explain your answers in 3 - 4 sentences.

  • 1. Do you think that the President should have vetoed the Keystone Pipeline bill. Do you think he should have this power? Why did the Republicans try to overturn his veto in Congress?
  • 2. Why do you think the Senate is failing to confirm this nominee for Attorney General? Do they have to move swiftly to confirm her? What do some Republicans think about the nominee.
  • 3. Do you think that the Constitution works the way it was intended to work given these two examples? What are the positives about our system, and the negative to our system of getting governmbusiness done?

041015 - Constitutional Article presentations due

In class
040615 -
Students were assigned Articles and sections of the Constitution text in groups.
See Student the list here

  • Student groups read the text of the assigned articles and sections.
  • Student groups must create a slide show in shared Google Presentation with the following parameters:
    • SLIDE SHOW suggested outline HERE
    • each slide needs a picture and text (no more than 50 words)
    • 5 or more main points, each presented in one or more sides
    • two examples or events that illustrate a main point from the Article or Section
      • include the URL and title of the event on the ending Notes slide
    • find a video that illustrates a key point or example (total of 6 minutes of video)
  • Due by end of class on Thursday (We have computers 
  • Present in class on Friday.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sub Plans Thursday.

Hi folks...
1. Work assigned in class will be collected on Friday.
2. All work assigned this week is due on Friday.
3. Quiz on Powers denied Congress on Friday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of 033015 - Article One and Two

Due - Date
0331 -
Watch Crash Course Constitution - enjoy.
Be ready to discuss elements of this video.
On notebook paper - review the video in order to get three complete ideas from the video about the Constitution
  • Write three ideas raised in the video
  • Write 3 details raised in the video, or in the One Minute Constitution packet overall that are examples of the the different ideas you recorded from the video.
In class: 
Watch Crash Course - How a Bill becomes a law
Use your How a bill becomes a law handout (both sides) to help follow the video.

Review Ten Minute Constitution -
  • Special bills and privileges
0402 - 
On notebook paper: 
  • Write 3 EQ questions based on this article.
  • Write 3 bullet point information items that help answer each EQ question.
0403 - Two activities:
1. Quiz on Powers Denied Congress - focus:

  • Civil Rights protected by the Constitution - Habeas Corpus, Attainder, Ex Post etc.
  • Gifts and titles of nobility
  • No taxing goods traded between states
  • No direct taxes (16th Amendment repealed this)

2. Homework: 

Goal: Find information from the internet about your See below based on the THIS handout HERE:
passed out in class. As demonstrated in class, it will take about 5 - 10 minutes to find the topic using different search phrases in Google related to your topic.

Written evidence:
a. define the term or concept.
b. explain a real life example that illustrates the concept in a minimum of three to four points.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of 032315

Due - Details

032415 -
1. Complete the reading: Ten Minute Congress HERE
 Use this US Constitution HERE

2. Also, read the following section of Article One (of the US Constitution) - based on your LAST initial from the list below:
Article One:
A - C - Section 1 and 2
D - H - Section 3
L - Schw - Section 4 and 5
Sp - Z - Section 6

For your reading, summarize the main points of your section(s) - write five summary points on notebook paper. Bring to class.

032615 -

As in the previous homework reading, read the following Article One Section based on your last initial:
A - C - Section 7
D - H - Section 8 (through the line: To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court)
L - Schw - Section 8 (to the end of Section 8)
Sp - Z - Section 9
Extra Credit - Section 10 (four summary points - +2 XC points)

For your reading, summarize the main points of your section(s) - write EIGHT summary points on notebook paper. Bring to class.

CLASS NOTES - Article One

032715 - See the following entry for HW due 0327, Friday

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week of 031715

Due - Detail:
Read the handout from class: The One Minute Constitution
Answer the following questions on the reading using notebook paper:
1. Based just on the One Minute reading - make a list for each prompt below:

  • Three things you want to know more about before judging the US Constitution
  • Without looking anything up, what three changes would you make to our Constitution
  • What three powers do you think the states should have that the federal government should not have?
  • What are three Individual rights that should be protected so that the federal or state governments cannot pass a law that violates or limits this right?

Read the first page of The Ten Minute Congress
Complete THIS SURVEY for homework HERE

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Quiz on Friday, 031315

Read Chapter 8, sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3.
Short quiz on these three pages when you walk in.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Treaty of Paris Proposal Survey

Once you sign into school email account, the leader of each group must take THIS SURVEY HERE about their final proposals for the Treaty of Paris.

Your group may take the survey more than once if you have changes.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Treaty of Paris, 1783, simulation...

DUE - Details

0309 M -
In class we will continue our Treaty of Paris simulation.
In order to get full credit for this activity, students must keep notes on each person they engaged in discussion and the issues addressed and what was agreed to.


  • Who - country or group
  • Issue(s) discussed
  • Agreement reached
0310 T - 
Write up each proposal reached with different groups, and agreed to with your team. Sometimes, a team may not agree on all parts of the proposal - THEREFORE, the nation may have two groups writing up two different proposal with similar and different lists of goals or agreements. More in class on 030915.

Shared Google Doc - editable by each faction member and with Mr. Rodgers - Titled - TrParisNation(faction: A or B) example - TrParisFranceA

0312 Th - 
Map Source - The United States in 1783 here
Target Map - use this blank map to draw the source map - ink, color, inked labels, key, title

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Added Reading and short quiz on Friday

0306 - F
Read The Treaty of Paris link here - 

  • be prepared for a short quiz about 
    • how it was negotiated and 
    • what some of the key elements of the treaty were...

Monday, March 2, 2015

Updated - Week of 030215

Reminder all assignments will be collected by Mr. Rodgers for the entire week, the day he returns from Jury Duty...

Due - Detail:
0303 - T:
Read the Wikipedia entry on Peace Treaties here

0305 - Th:
1. Quiz on the Wikipedia article due Tuesday, above.
2. From our class notes, add five more strategies to the list of negotiating strategies (total of 16 due)

2. Study these maps and takes notes on notebook paper - follow the slide show directions:
Use this slide show  - also, each slide has a link to the map on the internet in order to read it better

0306 - F
Read The Treaty of Paris link here

  • be prepared for a short quiz about 
    • how it was negotiated and 
    • what some of the key elements of the treaty were...

Friday, February 27, 2015

Test Group B - scoring corrected and verified.

The Test Group B grades have been entered to reflect the corrected scores - some changed, some remained the same.

We will cover the test in class on Monday, focusing on the most commonly missed problems.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 022315 - American War of Independence - Ch 7

Due - Detail: For the entire week - scroll to bottom to see all work

022415 -
Read p 87 - 89
Make a compare and contrast (T-table) that compares three Strengths and Weaknesses of the Americans and the British during the War.

022615 -
Read all of Chapter 7
Summarize the details (see below) of each of the following battles:
1. New York (City area) 2. Trenton 3. Saratoga 4. Yorktown

Details should include:
a. Number of men involved, injured, or casualties
b. Generals involved on both sides
c. major actions of each side during the battle; major mistakes of each side during the battle
d. outcome of the battle
e. in the bigger picture of the war: overall benefit for the victor; overall disadvantage for the loser of the battle

022715 -
Using Ch 7, summarize the following involvement or details of each:
1. The Role of France in the War
2. The Role of the African Americans and Slaves in the War
3. The Treaty of Paris, 1783

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Due 022015 - Read a passage from the Declaration of Independence and respond

Read the following passage from the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

On a piece of notebook paper, respond to the following questions:
1. What is Happiness - what basic things, services, and activities should people have or experience in order to be happy for the most part? List 6 things, 2 services, and 2 activities or more to define Happiness in the modern sense.
2. What is Liberty - what basic freedoms should we be entitled to? What freedoms should be limited in some way as to prevent harm to others? Discuss 2 essential freedoms, and discuss 2 freedoms that need some limits with an explanation for your limits.
3. How do the People give consent for the government to manage society? List three different ways that people give consent.
4. Explain three things that you feel are important activities that government does to manage society and our country. Explain an activity that you feel the government does not do enough. Explain one other activity that you feel that government does too much to manage society.

Ch 5/6 Test - link here

In order to take this test, you must have the question - answer handouts.

You must write your name on these questions AND return the handout when you are done.

Answer Sheet in gdocs is HERE

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

021815 - Test on Chapter 5/6 on Thursday - Everyone takes it

Refer back to last week's blog post for the Study Guide, Class notes, etc

It should be easier than expected...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Progress reports and making up missing work - UPDATE

The District required that class grades be reported on January 30, 2015, necessary to notify students and parents of class progress.

Students were given grade sheets in class prior to this deadline to verify missing assignments. 
Some students turned in missing work before the deadline.

The District notified parents of progress reports on February 5.

For those students that turned in work after this deadline, it will not be posted until tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 10, to make sure that all parents see the required Progress Report grade calculation as of January 30. 

Makeup and missing work can always be turned in during the same Trimester, with appropriate late penalties. Students that were absent are given those number of days absent to make up an assignment without penalty. Penalties are as follows: 1 day late - 10% off; 2 - 5 days last - 20% off; 6 or more days - 30% off.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week of 020915 - HW and Ch 5/6 Study Guide and Test

Wednesday Lunchtime meetings -
1. Last week zero students from 8 grade met with me during lunch to solve grade issues.
2. If you are missing assignments and need to improve your grade, Room 601 is open.

Date - Details
021015- STUDY GUIDE for Chapter 5 and 6 test
1. (HW) Read rest Ch 6 – p 83 – Respond to the beginning of the Declaration of Independence – (middle of page) is this statement still true today in the US – 100 words – give three examples to support your opinion

Study Guide and Materials for the Chapter 5/6 and Class presentations Test here:
1. Class Notes about causes of the War (very important)
2. Received handout - British Legislative Actions against the Colonies - Highlighted handouts are here - make flashcards based on this handout (Day of test - show 20 cards for 3XC points)
3. Reread Chapter 5 and 6 based on the study guide in #3 below.

3. Study Guide for Chapter 5/6 here (very important) - including the handout mentioned above
4. All work passed back on 021214

0212 –
Review of Ch 5/6 - Study Guide posted online on Tuesday night
Write 3 questions on notebook paper about content from study guide that you answered in class?

0217/0218: Thursday of next week that we have class  - 
Test on Ch 5/6  - 35 points: More Multiple Choice; Fewer fill-in the blank.

Turn in all weekly work from this week on Friday

Monday, February 2, 2015

HW due 020515 and 020615

For your assigned group number below, complete section A by Thursday and B by Friday.
article number -  (last name starts with letter)
1 - A - Coates;
2 -  Colety - H -
3: J- S;
4 - Sp - Z

For Section A - Due Thursday
  • Read the Article number based on your last name from the list above
  • Draw 4 stick figure pencil sketches to summarize four important parts of the article
  • summarize those same four in 3 - 4 sentences on the same piece of paper.
For Section B - Due Friday
  • Read the Article number based on your last name from the list above
  • Summarize with four bullet points
A. Causes of the American Revolution:

1. American History at - general overview
2. Causes of the War at History Central - general overview
3. A critique of the standard textbook "causes" of the American Revolution -
4. America during the Age of Revolution - Library of


B. ...from the American Archive (in-depth list of documents):

C. ...from Teaching American History (to be used next week)

Quiz on Textbook 6.2 - 6.3 on Tuesday

Read and get ready tonight.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Lunchtime homework club - Wednesdays

On Wednesdays, after the first five minutes, Room 601 will be open to Social Studies 8 students.

Students that need assistance completing assignments or are asked to come to class should their lunch and show up to class no later than the first lunch bell.

When students are invited, parents will be notified of the invitation and that the student did attend.

See you then.

- Mr. Rodgers

Monday, January 26, 2015

HW week of 012615: Readings and responsive writing

Reading this week:
The Stamp Act, 1765
Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, 1765
Sons of Liberty (The first six paragraphs)

012715, Tues -
Read the Stamp Act, 1765 article from above
Quiz on the Stamp Act Article above: What, How, Why, When

012915, Thrus -
Read the Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, 1765 from above
Write Answers to the following questions on notebook paper by hand:
1. Which king granted that the colonists are entitled to all liberties, privileges, and immunities...
2. What are immunities when granted by a king to his subjects? (use a dictionary)
3. Explain the easiest and least burdensome method of raising taxes?
4. What resolution was not passed and was found in Patrick Henry's will? Summarize what this resolution basically stated.
5. In another resolution not passed by the Assembly, what were those to be considered if people besides the Assembly raised taxes on the colony?

013015, Fri -
Read the Sons of Liberty Article above.
Write Answers to the following questions on notebook paper by hand:
1. What were three types of actions that the Sons of Liberty used to cause the repeal of the Stamp Act?
2. What strategies did the Sons of Liberty use to spark an awareness of colonists to join together to fight against the Parliament and the King?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Homework Due Friday, 012315

Finish Reading all of SS8 Chapter 5

At the beginning of class
Prepare to explain three Acts of Parliament passed between 1763 and 1765.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HW for Week of 012014

0122 -
Read SS8 Chapter 5 - through section 5.4
Look for another activity due in class based on this reading later tonight.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Due Friday, 011515, when you walk into class (all things printed before class)

1. EQ written paragraph
  • Choose your best Chapter 4 EQ question that you wrote.
  • Write a complete paragraph that answer the EQ question  - in about 5 - 7 sentences, a minimum of 100 words
  • Write your paragraph on notebook paper (so that printing is not an issue)
2. Rewrite and PRINT your second draft of your short report that we edited in class. PRINT your first draft and bring your handwritten draft to class.
  • Several students finished this in class.
  • Ask a parent or older sibling to read your paper and make suggestions about content and organization.
  • Parameters for the rewrite should focus on:
    • Content - in-depth details that are clearly explained
    • Organization - logical sequence and connections between essay parts 

SS8 Ch4 EQ survey

Fill in this form for your best two EQ questions for Chapter 4

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week of 011215

Due - Detail

Complete research on group assigned topic:
A. Salem Witch trials SW
B. Triangle Trade TT
C. French Indian War (1754 - 1763) FIW
D. Trial of John Peter Zenger (1733) Zenger
E. The English Bill 1689, and the Act of Toleration 1689 (1689)
F. Benjamin Franklin - his life and accomplishments before 1776 and until his death BF

Goals -
1. Describe the concept or event
2. Give 2 - 4 examples of major events or key causes or effects as they occurred
3. Explain why this topic was important in:

  • building stronger colonial governments and a sense of colonial identity
  • leading to other events that opened up differences between England and the colonies
1. Individually, write a 200 - 300 word piece that explains the goals of the piece - on notebook paper.
2. Scavenger hunt of topics activity in class. 4 topic summaries required. Turn in on Thursday.

1. Rewrite and edit your short report.
2. Type it in a shared gdoc. Save the doc as (based on list above) using the bold lettered abbreviation as follows: example BFLast0115
3. Each group will present a summary of their topic in class

In class - write response to EQ for Chapter 4 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week of 010515

Due - Detail

0106 -
Practice your group colonial rap parts. You should know them well enough to not need a copy of the lyrics in most cases. We will practice complete performances on Tuesday.

0108 -
Be ready to perform final group colonial raps. All group members should participate, sing, rap, dance,  or sing the chorus.

0108 -
Read SS8 Chapter 4. Pop Quiz - be able to explain three ideas from different sections of the chapter when you walk into class.

0109 -
For Chapter 4, write three EQ questions that cover different sections of the chapter. For each question, write three bullet point list elements that can be used to answer the question.