Monday, January 26, 2015

HW week of 012615: Readings and responsive writing

Reading this week:
The Stamp Act, 1765
Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, 1765
Sons of Liberty (The first six paragraphs)

012715, Tues -
Read the Stamp Act, 1765 article from above
Quiz on the Stamp Act Article above: What, How, Why, When

012915, Thrus -
Read the Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, 1765 from above
Write Answers to the following questions on notebook paper by hand:
1. Which king granted that the colonists are entitled to all liberties, privileges, and immunities...
2. What are immunities when granted by a king to his subjects? (use a dictionary)
3. Explain the easiest and least burdensome method of raising taxes?
4. What resolution was not passed and was found in Patrick Henry's will? Summarize what this resolution basically stated.
5. In another resolution not passed by the Assembly, what were those to be considered if people besides the Assembly raised taxes on the colony?

013015, Fri -
Read the Sons of Liberty Article above.
Write Answers to the following questions on notebook paper by hand:
1. What were three types of actions that the Sons of Liberty used to cause the repeal of the Stamp Act?
2. What strategies did the Sons of Liberty use to spark an awareness of colonists to join together to fight against the Parliament and the King?

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