Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Progress reports and making up missing work - UPDATE

The District required that class grades be reported on January 30, 2015, necessary to notify students and parents of class progress.

Students were given grade sheets in class prior to this deadline to verify missing assignments. 
Some students turned in missing work before the deadline.

The District notified parents of progress reports on February 5.

For those students that turned in work after this deadline, it will not be posted until tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 10, to make sure that all parents see the required Progress Report grade calculation as of January 30. 

Makeup and missing work can always be turned in during the same Trimester, with appropriate late penalties. Students that were absent are given those number of days absent to make up an assignment without penalty. Penalties are as follows: 1 day late - 10% off; 2 - 5 days last - 20% off; 6 or more days - 30% off.

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