Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 022315 - American War of Independence - Ch 7

Due - Detail: For the entire week - scroll to bottom to see all work

022415 -
Read p 87 - 89
Make a compare and contrast (T-table) that compares three Strengths and Weaknesses of the Americans and the British during the War.

022615 -
Read all of Chapter 7
Summarize the details (see below) of each of the following battles:
1. New York (City area) 2. Trenton 3. Saratoga 4. Yorktown

Details should include:
a. Number of men involved, injured, or casualties
b. Generals involved on both sides
c. major actions of each side during the battle; major mistakes of each side during the battle
d. outcome of the battle
e. in the bigger picture of the war: overall benefit for the victor; overall disadvantage for the loser of the battle

022715 -
Using Ch 7, summarize the following involvement or details of each:
1. The Role of France in the War
2. The Role of the African Americans and Slaves in the War
3. The Treaty of Paris, 1783

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