Sunday, March 8, 2015

Treaty of Paris, 1783, simulation...

DUE - Details

0309 M -
In class we will continue our Treaty of Paris simulation.
In order to get full credit for this activity, students must keep notes on each person they engaged in discussion and the issues addressed and what was agreed to.


  • Who - country or group
  • Issue(s) discussed
  • Agreement reached
0310 T - 
Write up each proposal reached with different groups, and agreed to with your team. Sometimes, a team may not agree on all parts of the proposal - THEREFORE, the nation may have two groups writing up two different proposal with similar and different lists of goals or agreements. More in class on 030915.

Shared Google Doc - editable by each faction member and with Mr. Rodgers - Titled - TrParisNation(faction: A or B) example - TrParisFranceA

0312 Th - 
Map Source - The United States in 1783 here
Target Map - use this blank map to draw the source map - ink, color, inked labels, key, title

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