Thursday, October 24, 2013

Period 5 IN CLASS New Albion move for Thursday, 10/24

Fall, 1581 MOVEMENT survey here.

Fall, 1581 MAP

Here are the movements from Spring, 1581

Only a couple of illegal moves:
Reminders -
1. Except for Native units, Armies can only move one space no matter what.

2. Navies CAN move two spaces in water. This rule DOES NOT allow one water and one land move.

3. Likewise, Navies cannot move two spaces of water, then attack a third space of water (that is three spaces)

4. Savannah was defended by two French units that lost to a combined attack by two Red Cherokee  units with support by a nearby English unit. The French lost and were forced to retreat to the only open space - the Gula Coast waterway - that was controlled by French ally Spain, who had take the space in battle with England. Since Spain is an ally, it retreated to the Ally - Netherlands held Outer Banks. If Spain didn't retreat, then the French Army in retreat from Savannah, would have been sent back to France. It pays to have allies on the only retreat space available.

5. Refer to the 1581 Spring Move map to see other moves. Circle units means their moves were DEFINITELY illegal (see above reminders).

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