Friday, October 25, 2013

EQ Ch2 - Final Set

Here are the four EQ questions for the quiz on Tuesday, 10/29. 

1. You must answer three questions. You may answer the fourth answer for extra credit. 
2. Each question is worth five points.
3. No materials except a writing implement are allowed during the quiz.
4. You should use your original work on EQ questions, notes from class, and the textbook for put together information needed to answer three of the questions.
5. Outline your answer, and practice writing a quality paragraph as part of your studying.
6. We will have a brief study session to review for the EQ questions on Monday, 10/28.

7. Your answers must 
a. define the major concept of the question,
b. give examples, details, and explanations that support your answer
c. use of key terms that clearly shows correct usage and understanding of those key terms helps
d. tie all of the elements of your answer together as to present a well crafted idea.

d.i. - a great analogy for putting the elements of your answer together:

Lumber, plumbing, and nails are needed to make a house. Like a good answer, in order to show your ability to write a well crafted paragraph that include all of the the essential parts...
... a homebuilder must put all of these  components together before they can be considered a house.

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