Thursday, October 31, 2013

XC Extra Credit - As you try to scan the internet about your assigned topic this weekend

Due Tuesday - 5 points extra credit (XC - is not accepted late).

Compare the concept or event from your assigned timeline topic to a place on the New Albion map, that could have been the location, of your actual assigned topic. Explain three similarities and possibly three differences between your timeline topic and the place you chose in the New Albion Simulation.

For example, if you have a topic about a failed colony that was attacked by Native Americans, and disappeared with almost no trace, find a place in the New Albion game where Native American confederations pushed out European Armies and/or navies. 

What were the European alliances with each other and with Native American confederation(s) that attacked the New Albion colony in question. 
For your topic, what were the European wars that were under way that may have prevented a newly created European settlement from getting the supplies and military support that it needed to survive?

Credit will be given by how much detail and insight you can share about your comparison.

200 words minimum.

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