Saturday, October 19, 2013

New Albion Fall 1580 Moves - Due Monday at 5 pm

FALL 1580 Turn Materials:

Move Survey (new and improved form)

Period FIVE use THIS MAP to make FALL 1580 turns

Period SIX use THIS MAP to make the FALL 1580 turn.

Use email and phones to plan with your team and engage in Diplomacy with other teams. Your moves must be submitted by 5 pm Monday - NO LATER FOR ANY REASON.

Advice from Mr. Rodgers Move ALL of your units towards the colonies!!! Focus on the entire map, not just one or two battles.

If you would like to ask Mr. Rodgers a question, I will answer questions submitted before 8 pm Sunday night. Questions should focus on rules interpretation. I may answer a question in general terms about strategy, but I will not tell you that I think you have great moves or suggest any moves. I will tell you that a move is not legal and explain why however.

Monday 10 am cutoff time to get answers for your questions for New Albion before  turn deadline of Monday 5 pm...

All questions that you send me will be answered during my lunchtime on Monday, by about 1 pm. Late questions submitted after 10 am will not be answered. FYI, the first team that asked me a question this cycle, received a special movement bonus for one unit for this turn.

Allies??? Also, if you have an alliance with other nations - both teams must let me know on the new turn form. If you do not, and two units are in the same space on Sea, or a Native American unit and your unit are together in the same space, then they will attack each other!!!

Gaining more armies - How to do it!!!
If you control a city at the end of the Fall turn, then you control that city. Cities create a new unit (Army or Navy) of your choice at the end of each Fall turn, after battles are resolved. Cities may hold two allied units.

Point-wise, Cities count as 2 points at the end of each Fall Turn, and Land Territories counts as 1 point.  Points are only counted at the end of the game. Your Nation flag is placed in all territories and cities at the end of each Fall Turn under your control.

Spring 1580 Results:
If interested, view these maps which explain the outcomes of the Spring 1580 order from each team. Each period had teams that made illegal moves, or interpreted rules incorrectly. All results are final.
Period Five Spring 1580 RESOLVED
Period Six Spring 1580 RESOLVED

Rules clarification - that did not affect any turns - Navies can only move two sea spaces, not one sea and one land. For the three turns where rules were written this way, there was an enemy unit in the first space. When this happens, the order becomes an attack on the first enemy controlled space (Slide Six of rules).

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