Thursday, October 31, 2013

XC Extra Credit - As you try to scan the internet about your assigned topic this weekend

Due Tuesday - 5 points extra credit (XC - is not accepted late).

Compare the concept or event from your assigned timeline topic to a place on the New Albion map, that could have been the location, of your actual assigned topic. Explain three similarities and possibly three differences between your timeline topic and the place you chose in the New Albion Simulation.

For example, if you have a topic about a failed colony that was attacked by Native Americans, and disappeared with almost no trace, find a place in the New Albion game where Native American confederations pushed out European Armies and/or navies. 

What were the European alliances with each other and with Native American confederation(s) that attacked the New Albion colony in question. 
For your topic, what were the European wars that were under way that may have prevented a newly created European settlement from getting the supplies and military support that it needed to survive?

Credit will be given by how much detail and insight you can share about your comparison.

200 words minimum.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Period 6 New Albion Moves - Block Classes


P5 1582 Spring map - includes new unit placement and score count

P5 1581 Fall moves

Movement Survey HERE Will be available Wednesday morning. Moves are due the night of each block class
Period 6 moves due Wednesday at 6 pm.
Period 5 moves due Thursday at 6 pm.


P6 1582 Spring map - includes new unit placement

P6 1581 Fall moves

Friday, October 25, 2013

EQ Ch2 - Final Set

Here are the four EQ questions for the quiz on Tuesday, 10/29. 

1. You must answer three questions. You may answer the fourth answer for extra credit. 
2. Each question is worth five points.
3. No materials except a writing implement are allowed during the quiz.
4. You should use your original work on EQ questions, notes from class, and the textbook for put together information needed to answer three of the questions.
5. Outline your answer, and practice writing a quality paragraph as part of your studying.
6. We will have a brief study session to review for the EQ questions on Monday, 10/28.

7. Your answers must 
a. define the major concept of the question,
b. give examples, details, and explanations that support your answer
c. use of key terms that clearly shows correct usage and understanding of those key terms helps
d. tie all of the elements of your answer together as to present a well crafted idea.

d.i. - a great analogy for putting the elements of your answer together:

Lumber, plumbing, and nails are needed to make a house. Like a good answer, in order to show your ability to write a well crafted paragraph that include all of the the essential parts...
... a homebuilder must put all of these  components together before they can be considered a house.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Excellent question about the advertisement due Friday...

Do we use the pictures that are on the blog for our posters or find one online?

No. You must draw a picture from a picture you find on the web. The picture must relate to the time period and some elrment of the colonial experience. 

Good question, 

Questions in class that will help with Friday's HW

Period 5 wrote responses to these in class on Thursday. We will cover these in class in Period 6 on Friday.

Three things that you know about colonization in the Americas based on this game?
How easy was it to set up colonies based on the state of affairs (at peace or war) in Europe from the game?

What are three reasons that you can give to convince colonists to settle in the Americas (based on the game)?

26. Advertisement for Settlement

Besides participation in New Albion in class and following the simulations developments at home each night...

HW - Write an advertisement for potential settlers in the New Albion simulation, based on the following pictures.

From the articles below, what advantages and challenges will you stress to convince settlers to come to your colonies so that your nation can make money and build an colonial empire?

Written Responses to images - Due Block Day 1023-24

HW - Due Block Day 10/23 or 10/24 (beg. of class) - started in class on Tuesday, 10/22:

Pick TWO of the pictures and answer the following questions:

Do the HW hereUse this Google Form to do this assignment

1. Inuits Battle English Sailors - Canada

Questions - you may do this by paper instead:
1. Describe three important details of each picture.
2. Does the artist show the Natives as real people, equal in many ways to Europeans, or better or worse than an European?
3. List four Native technologies that each picture shows.

2. A Native Couple Eating

3. Natives smoking fish

4. Native Village

Period 5 IN CLASS New Albion move for Thursday, 10/24

Fall, 1581 MOVEMENT survey here.

Fall, 1581 MAP

Here are the movements from Spring, 1581

Only a couple of illegal moves:
Reminders -
1. Except for Native units, Armies can only move one space no matter what.

2. Navies CAN move two spaces in water. This rule DOES NOT allow one water and one land move.

3. Likewise, Navies cannot move two spaces of water, then attack a third space of water (that is three spaces)

4. Savannah was defended by two French units that lost to a combined attack by two Red Cherokee  units with support by a nearby English unit. The French lost and were forced to retreat to the only open space - the Gula Coast waterway - that was controlled by French ally Spain, who had take the space in battle with England. Since Spain is an ally, it retreated to the Ally - Netherlands held Outer Banks. If Spain didn't retreat, then the French Army in retreat from Savannah, would have been sent back to France. It pays to have allies on the only retreat space available.

5. Refer to the 1581 Spring Move map to see other moves. Circle units means their moves were DEFINITELY illegal (see above reminders).

EQ Ch 2 - Period 5


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Period 6 New Albion Fall 1581 Move due Wednesday by 6 pm.

Fall, 1581 MOVEMENT survey here.

Fall, 1581 MAP

Here are the movements from Spring, 1581
1. Pretty good moves overall.
2. Why are some nations only moving two units each turn - you must move as many units as possible towards the Americas.
3. Netherlands did not post a move into any form. There were some references by other teams to what  Netherlands was supposedly doing, but Netherlands did not post at all, or did not post in the correct place (I looked at all linked areas to old (which cannot receive entries) and current movement surveys.

Monday, October 21, 2013

3xEQ Ch2 - Questions and Answers - due Block class this week - October 23 or 24

As the New Albion simulation invaded much of our class time last week, I did reschedule the due date to write three EQ and give three bullet points of information for answers for each question that you write.

From October 18 - Rescheduled to this coming week.

From October 11 - EQ Ch 2 directions

Period 5 New Albion Update - Moves, units and NEXT MOVE

Moves due by Wednesday Night 9 pm (the following move will occur on Thursday starting in class)

Period 5 - Spring 1581 Map (includes new units awarded - armies first)

Movement survey

Seven of eight teams submitted orders - Very exciting set of moves!!! Several battles for city control!!!

Units awarded after Fall, 1580

1580 Fall Battles Maps Exciting (some numbered rolls are shown on Spring 1581 Map)

1580 Fall RESOLVED Map here

Period 6 New Albion Updates and NEXT MOVE

Moves due by Tuesday Night 9 pm (the following move will occur on Wednesday starting in class)

Period 6 - Spring 1581 Map

Movement survey

Fall 1580 Resolved - New Units Awarded

Two teams submitted orders - Sweden and Spain (FYI in Period 5, seven of the eight teams submitted moves.

Units awarded after Fall, 1580
Sweden - One Army in Ft. Christina
Spain - One Army each in the following cities - Mexico City, St. Petersberg, Santa Fe

1580 Fall RESOLVED Map here

New Albion Moves Due by 5 pm today, no later. All moves are time stamped.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

New Albion Fall 1580 Moves - Due Monday at 5 pm

FALL 1580 Turn Materials:

Move Survey (new and improved form)

Period FIVE use THIS MAP to make FALL 1580 turns

Period SIX use THIS MAP to make the FALL 1580 turn.

Use email and phones to plan with your team and engage in Diplomacy with other teams. Your moves must be submitted by 5 pm Monday - NO LATER FOR ANY REASON.

Advice from Mr. Rodgers Move ALL of your units towards the colonies!!! Focus on the entire map, not just one or two battles.

If you would like to ask Mr. Rodgers a question, I will answer questions submitted before 8 pm Sunday night. Questions should focus on rules interpretation. I may answer a question in general terms about strategy, but I will not tell you that I think you have great moves or suggest any moves. I will tell you that a move is not legal and explain why however.

Monday 10 am cutoff time to get answers for your questions for New Albion before  turn deadline of Monday 5 pm...

All questions that you send me will be answered during my lunchtime on Monday, by about 1 pm. Late questions submitted after 10 am will not be answered. FYI, the first team that asked me a question this cycle, received a special movement bonus for one unit for this turn.

Allies??? Also, if you have an alliance with other nations - both teams must let me know on the new turn form. If you do not, and two units are in the same space on Sea, or a Native American unit and your unit are together in the same space, then they will attack each other!!!

Gaining more armies - How to do it!!!
If you control a city at the end of the Fall turn, then you control that city. Cities create a new unit (Army or Navy) of your choice at the end of each Fall turn, after battles are resolved. Cities may hold two allied units.

Point-wise, Cities count as 2 points at the end of each Fall Turn, and Land Territories counts as 1 point.  Points are only counted at the end of the game. Your Nation flag is placed in all territories and cities at the end of each Fall Turn under your control.

Spring 1580 Results:
If interested, view these maps which explain the outcomes of the Spring 1580 order from each team. Each period had teams that made illegal moves, or interpreted rules incorrectly. All results are final.
Period Five Spring 1580 RESOLVED
Period Six Spring 1580 RESOLVED

Rules clarification - that did not affect any turns - Navies can only move two sea spaces, not one sea and one land. For the three turns where rules were written this way, there was an enemy unit in the first space. When this happens, the order becomes an attack on the first enemy controlled space (Slide Six of rules).

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Note on EQ assignment for Chapter 2

We will work on Chapter 2 next week.

Five Point Quiz on blog about the game rules. Move Turn in class on Friday.

Note: you must be logged into your lcm account to use the links below:
1. Read the rules HERE, especially on Phases of turns, Rules for All units, Special and limits on moves, Native Unit special moves. 
2. Take THIS QUIZ about the rules online, Thursday night. You must be signed into your school lcm gmail account to take this quiz. You only get one chance to take the quiz.
3. Did your group send me an email HERE? The email must have a list of all group member emails in the TO line, including my email. The subject should say the name of your country.
4. Examine the map below to see your unit placements at the start of the game - Spring, 1580. Decide what your best moves are for each unit on the board. Each map is different:
Period 5 map
Period 6 map
5. Use this black outline version of map in order to read the names of territories, water ways, and cities, that you must use to write clear moves that make sense.

New Albion Beginning maps

Period 5 beginning here

Period 6 beginning here

Monday, October 14, 2013

Who will turn their settlements into a colonial empire?

Are you ready to take advantages of the rich soil, plentiful wood supply, fish that jump into your nets, and friendly natives that will help you find gold and the Fountain of Youth? Then come to the Americas. Your ticket is waiting if you are willing to volunteer your time to help start a new colony. Adventure, wealth... a life of leisure in the paradise of the new Eden.

Or are you ready to defend your sacred land against the foreign invaders with their fire sticks, metal body parts, and thirst for the skins of animals hunted to extinction?

Are you ready to lead your nation to conquest of the empty continent, fight off other European trespassers on your nation's promised land, and make alliances with the natives in order to establish trade. If you are, then you are ready to play New Albion, the game of Conquest and Colonization of North America!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

HW due Tuesday - table of notes comparing four European nations in the Americas

Use this table to take your notes based on the directions below:

Using Chapter Two, compare and contrast four different elements for each European nation that colonized the Americas - Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands (Dutch). Some example areas to compare include:
  1. What were the methods of colonization, what was each country trying to find or use from their colonies
  2. what were the methods of settling European colonists 
  3. the use of slaves
  4. the ability of the European colonists to cooperate with Native Americans
  5. Patterns of trade
You may choose other areas to explore instead of the the topics from the list above.

Friday, October 11, 2013

HW due Tues, Oct. 22 - Write three EQ questions and 3 bullet points each...

Assignment:1. Write three EQ questions - one per three sections of Chapter 2 of your choice. 2. After writing the questions, then write three bullet points of informations that can be used in an answer for that questions - 2a. include a bullet defining the main idea and two key points of evidence or explanation. 2b. These three bullet points form a simple outline for a solid paragraph form answer for each of the three questions that we will write next week.

EQ Explained - (this is a repost from 10/15/13)

Students will be required to write EQ questions and answer them appropriately for a variety of readings and activities throughout the year. This will help develop conceptual thinking that focuses on evidence from the reading or activity to support student explanations.

EQ (Essential Question) - a question that asks a complex question that requires a detailed answer that include all of the following elements in a paragraph between 4 - 6 sentences.

1. an explanation of the major concept, event, or historical contributions of a person in relation to the question.
2. uses 2 - 3 examples or pieces of evidence found in the reading, text, or activity that supports the explanation of the major idea of the question.
3. uses and defines key terms found in the reading or activity that relate to and add to an understanding of the main concept.
3a - The definitions are not given directly, but instead the term is used in such a way by the writer that it is clear that the writer understands the meaning and appropriate usage of the terms as part of their answer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Homework Due Friday at beginning of class

Read Textbook Chapter 2 - be prepared for a short quiz about the big ideas of the chapter.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Surveys emails will not be accepted after 9:30 pm 10/7/13. Survey submissions will be counted after 12 am, the beginning of 10/8/13.

Just so you know...

Also, in order to get credit for taking the survey, students MUST give their name in the appropriate field at the end of the survey.

- Mr. R

Reading and Response - Due Tuesday, Oct. 8

Read Evening Near the Hoko River

Written Response on a separate piece of paper - answer the following questions with lines from the poem to support EACH answer. Write your answers in complete sentences.

1. What do crickets do, that shows the speaker the passing of time?
2. Do the tulips believe there is another world to look to?
3. Explain the dance of the moon and horses?
4. What is this poem about? What is the speaker trying to tell the reader about nature and the world?

Be prepared to discuss this poem tomorrow after our final performances in class.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Some students are not using the class blog - take the survey

Blog Survey is no longer XC (+2), but now is a required assignment worth one point. Complete it by your block period for your class.

After you read this entry, take this survey to help Mr. Rodgers make this blog a better tool for success. To do this, send Mr. Rodgers an email from your school lcm account, and he will send the survey back to you. Parents can also take the survey if they use a different email account. As part of the survey, your email account will be recorded so that I may follow up if a comment needs clarification.

Just like Powerschool offers a direct way to find out every grade on graded work in a class, the blogs that I post about each class are very important to verify directions and get materials that students have either lost or cannot find.

Why must students use this blog:

To get an answer to the directions, or be able to reread the directions for an assignment.

To use those directions and materials to complete work on time.

To get links to websites or handouts that must be used in order to complete assignments or study for quizzes and tests.

The blog offers many other advantages as well. Without the blog, students will not be able to complete homework from time to time, or get a copy of a reading, or a replacement blank chart or map that is due the next day. Students must use the blog to succeed in class.

If a students is not following the blog, or reading it daily, they are not taking advantage of this line of communication to do well in class.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HW for Wed and Thurs night

Due - Detail

1002-1003 - US Physical Features Test p5 on Thursday

1003 - Bring all Native American literature packets, group notes and six panel scene summary table to class.

1004 - US Physical Features map due.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

US Physical Map Quiz during block - Wed:p6 and Th:p5

During block each period will take the US physical features quiz worth 20 points.

Like the US States test, students will receive two parts of the test:
1. a marked map will label physical features
2. an answer sheet with corresponding blanks to write the appropriate answer for each labeled features of the map

3. The Handout with directions has a list of all the required physical features that students must know for the quiz.

4. Here is a a physical map with most features here on the list.

5. In addition, six rivers drawn in the assignment map, are not listed in the handout list above. Students may find these six rivers, and will be given two XC points if they can identify two of these rivers that will be labeled as part of the test.

Map copy

6. As is always the case for XC options, the XC points count against the final test grade, allowing students who score about the regular test maximum of 20 points of 100% to actually earn 22 points if all answers are correct.

Good luck!