Friday, February 27, 2015

Test Group B - scoring corrected and verified.

The Test Group B grades have been entered to reflect the corrected scores - some changed, some remained the same.

We will cover the test in class on Monday, focusing on the most commonly missed problems.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 022315 - American War of Independence - Ch 7

Due - Detail: For the entire week - scroll to bottom to see all work

022415 -
Read p 87 - 89
Make a compare and contrast (T-table) that compares three Strengths and Weaknesses of the Americans and the British during the War.

022615 -
Read all of Chapter 7
Summarize the details (see below) of each of the following battles:
1. New York (City area) 2. Trenton 3. Saratoga 4. Yorktown

Details should include:
a. Number of men involved, injured, or casualties
b. Generals involved on both sides
c. major actions of each side during the battle; major mistakes of each side during the battle
d. outcome of the battle
e. in the bigger picture of the war: overall benefit for the victor; overall disadvantage for the loser of the battle

022715 -
Using Ch 7, summarize the following involvement or details of each:
1. The Role of France in the War
2. The Role of the African Americans and Slaves in the War
3. The Treaty of Paris, 1783

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Due 022015 - Read a passage from the Declaration of Independence and respond

Read the following passage from the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

On a piece of notebook paper, respond to the following questions:
1. What is Happiness - what basic things, services, and activities should people have or experience in order to be happy for the most part? List 6 things, 2 services, and 2 activities or more to define Happiness in the modern sense.
2. What is Liberty - what basic freedoms should we be entitled to? What freedoms should be limited in some way as to prevent harm to others? Discuss 2 essential freedoms, and discuss 2 freedoms that need some limits with an explanation for your limits.
3. How do the People give consent for the government to manage society? List three different ways that people give consent.
4. Explain three things that you feel are important activities that government does to manage society and our country. Explain an activity that you feel the government does not do enough. Explain one other activity that you feel that government does too much to manage society.

Ch 5/6 Test - link here

In order to take this test, you must have the question - answer handouts.

You must write your name on these questions AND return the handout when you are done.

Answer Sheet in gdocs is HERE

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

021815 - Test on Chapter 5/6 on Thursday - Everyone takes it

Refer back to last week's blog post for the Study Guide, Class notes, etc

It should be easier than expected...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Progress reports and making up missing work - UPDATE

The District required that class grades be reported on January 30, 2015, necessary to notify students and parents of class progress.

Students were given grade sheets in class prior to this deadline to verify missing assignments. 
Some students turned in missing work before the deadline.

The District notified parents of progress reports on February 5.

For those students that turned in work after this deadline, it will not be posted until tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 10, to make sure that all parents see the required Progress Report grade calculation as of January 30. 

Makeup and missing work can always be turned in during the same Trimester, with appropriate late penalties. Students that were absent are given those number of days absent to make up an assignment without penalty. Penalties are as follows: 1 day late - 10% off; 2 - 5 days last - 20% off; 6 or more days - 30% off.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week of 020915 - HW and Ch 5/6 Study Guide and Test

Wednesday Lunchtime meetings -
1. Last week zero students from 8 grade met with me during lunch to solve grade issues.
2. If you are missing assignments and need to improve your grade, Room 601 is open.

Date - Details
021015- STUDY GUIDE for Chapter 5 and 6 test
1. (HW) Read rest Ch 6 – p 83 – Respond to the beginning of the Declaration of Independence – (middle of page) is this statement still true today in the US – 100 words – give three examples to support your opinion

Study Guide and Materials for the Chapter 5/6 and Class presentations Test here:
1. Class Notes about causes of the War (very important)
2. Received handout - British Legislative Actions against the Colonies - Highlighted handouts are here - make flashcards based on this handout (Day of test - show 20 cards for 3XC points)
3. Reread Chapter 5 and 6 based on the study guide in #3 below.

3. Study Guide for Chapter 5/6 here (very important) - including the handout mentioned above
4. All work passed back on 021214

0212 –
Review of Ch 5/6 - Study Guide posted online on Tuesday night
Write 3 questions on notebook paper about content from study guide that you answered in class?

0217/0218: Thursday of next week that we have class  - 
Test on Ch 5/6  - 35 points: More Multiple Choice; Fewer fill-in the blank.

Turn in all weekly work from this week on Friday

Monday, February 2, 2015

HW due 020515 and 020615

For your assigned group number below, complete section A by Thursday and B by Friday.
article number -  (last name starts with letter)
1 - A - Coates;
2 -  Colety - H -
3: J- S;
4 - Sp - Z

For Section A - Due Thursday
  • Read the Article number based on your last name from the list above
  • Draw 4 stick figure pencil sketches to summarize four important parts of the article
  • summarize those same four in 3 - 4 sentences on the same piece of paper.
For Section B - Due Friday
  • Read the Article number based on your last name from the list above
  • Summarize with four bullet points
A. Causes of the American Revolution:

1. American History at - general overview
2. Causes of the War at History Central - general overview
3. A critique of the standard textbook "causes" of the American Revolution -
4. America during the Age of Revolution - Library of


B. ...from the American Archive (in-depth list of documents):

C. ...from Teaching American History (to be used next week)

Quiz on Textbook 6.2 - 6.3 on Tuesday

Read and get ready tonight.