Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Due Thursday - Iroquois Readings and activity

Complete Tuesday night - Read and review the following articles - you must download to print
1. Bring your printouts to class - underline important details and bracket passages on your copy.
2. You are looking for one important idea from each reading, that you can illustrate in some way in the assignment below. (Clarification answer for AV's great email question - "how many ideas should we use from the readings to draw (or show in some way) in the assignment?").

People of the Long House
Iroquois Information
Iroquois Education

Complete Wednesday night -
A. Then use these images to imagine what a tribal member of the Iroquois Nation looks like:
1. Mohawk Sachem, Hiawatha, Iroquois Chief, Iroquois Woman with Baby, Iroquois Children, Seneca man
2. Iroquois council drawings: Trial of, gathering, Penn's Peace

B. Draw a pencil sketch (not a final drawing) on 8x11 paper, horizontal layout with these details and requirements:

  • Fill the space, zoom into details
  • Show a scene of 
    • Iroquois meeting around a fire, 
    • where the Firekeeper Tadohado leads the discussion with 
    • Hiawatha, 
    • men of the council, 
    • and some women and children on the edges of the fire circle. 
  • Include appropriate clothes, and maybe the outline of a longhouse in behind the meeting.
  • Also include a European person, dressed in European clothes, who are being told about education. 
  • Write a caption that explains the scene
  • Also write some quotes from the education reading floating over head of the people, 
  • Drawing timeframe: Spend no more than 20 minutes sketching out the scene, and no more 10 minutes writing in quotes and a caption.

Monday, September 29, 2014

HW due 093014

Part 1 - Skim the FIRST link about Iroquois daily life...
Goal - find information about daily life in an Iroquois Village

Product: Write a Journal (200 word minimum, hand written, first draft) with this prompt:
What do you think it was like to live in an Iroquois Village?

  • You may use your imagination and information from the provided link to come up with ideas.
  • Focus on one type of community member in your write up.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week Overview 092214

Due - Detail
0923 -
A. Complete Chapter 1 - 6 panel graphic summary

  • Each square should have a picture that fills about 2/3 of the space of the square.
  • Each square should have a text description that adds information to the picture while explaining its details.
  • Color
  • Ink

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Washington DC and Costa Rica Trip Information

There will be two meetings, the same night about each of these trips on September 23.

The Washington DC trip meeting will take place in Mr. Fester's classroom, room 604, at 5:45 pm.

The Costa Rica trip meeting will take place in the Larkspur Department of Parks and Recreation offices near Piper Park at 6:45.

If you would like a registration flyer about the Washington DC trip, I have the forms in my classroom. If you have other questions about the trip, please attend the meeting first, then clarify your questions after the meeting with Mr. Fester.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week Overview, 091514

Due - Detail (More detailed directions here)

Note: if your parents did not complete the parent survey, please have them complete it by Wednesday night - here.

0916 - T
1. 200 word minimum Journal - explain three important personal events. Give brief cause, summary, and effect for each event.

0917 - W
1. Sketch of Cause and Effect event (from in class activity)

  • use graphics to show how different events interact with each other to be causes, and effects of a main event.
  • a number line timeline may be involved, but the assignment should use other shapes or graphic representations of time - curves, big bangs, shapes - that show intensity of the event, emotional value, and other elements that are not easily observed
  • Try to show seven different event points - event sequence, emotions, thoughts, interactions with other people, etc.
  • Be creative in coming with ideas for this pencil DRAFT
  • Label each of the seven event points

0919 - F
1. Read SS8 Chapter 1

  • There are 4 general sections about Native Americans, and 8 about different regions. You must diagram 3 general sections and 3 different regions for this assignment.
  • diagram 6 sections (three must cover different regions)
  • download the form is here 
  • each box - 2/3 space is a detailed picture, 1/3 box contains 20 - 30 words that summarizes that section
  • ink and color. Fill the space. Pictures must reflect the historical period accurately.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Night's Homework due Friday (09/12)

1. Booklet -

  • Add at least one finishing touch to your booklet from the list here
  • finish the requirements (listed on previous blog post)

Today in class - 
1. Discussed 9/11 for about 5 minutes (much more on this later)
Discussed homework work load (20 - 30 minutes a night for the average student)
2. Explained requirements for working computer and printer at home (except for financial difficulties)
3. Discussed progress on Booklet and the class created the finishing touches list
4. Student survey (and verified student emails and password)
5. Shared one uniquely American idea from our assignment

Student Survey

Click here to begin - this will be completed in class only

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week of 090814 - Booklet America, Supplies, Current Event, Parent Survey

Due - Details
09/09  -
1. Read the class blog (this page)

091114 -
2. Complete Current Event Assignment (Form questions and attached article)

  • Form is here
  • All topics below must be drawn from newspapers or major television news sites
  • Search using several keywords and review search results before deciding on a quality article
  • Print out the article from the internet or cut out from newspaper or magazine (100 word minimum)
  • Article written in past two weeks
  • If your last name starts with letters ____ then find a current event about the topic below:
    • A-G American economy - jobs, stocks, housing, banking
    • H-M Elections - candidates, primaries, voter ballot issues, propositions
    • N-R Foreign Relations of the US with other countries and involvement in the world stage
    • S-Z Trending political issues - gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, abortion requirements, gun rights, and immigration. You may find other issues - must be confirmed with Mr. Rodgers

3. Parents must complete this survey (here) this week 
4. Two entries due in the America accordion book (see assignment details here)

1. Bring current event article printout to class
2. Five entries due in accordion book

1. Eight entries due with title on cover of accordion booklet
2. Cause and Effect personal history diagram (mostly in class)

1. Sprial Notebook (70 - 80 pages, college ruled) brought to class
2. All supplies on school published supply list brought to class
3. USA Map step one complete (mostly completed in class)

Follow the class blog to receive emails with class directions, assignment links, and handouts

I would like to welcome everyone back from a longer than usual summer. I am looking forward to this year. Like you, I have to get up a bit earlier than last week and have been working overtime to get ready for the new school year.

Homework due Tuesday:
1. Follow the correct blog for your class. In the upper right corner, type in an email address in the space "follow blog." Each time the blog is updated, you will receive an email.

a. LASS7 Core - blog - Rodgers LASS7 Core - address - http://eliottrodgers.blogspot.com
b. SS8 blog - Mr. Rodgers SS8 - address - http://rodgersss8.blogspot.com

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome back to Hall... XC entry ticket

I hope you all had a great summer. Maybe some of you are ready for school to start. I am ready and excited for the new year to begin, as I am sure many of you are as well. I am looking forward to meeting everyone, and working with you to make this year a great year.

First day activity:
When you walk into class, you will be asked a question about my profile on this page. You will have to write it down and give it to me. Let's see how many of you are the students who like to scout out the school early, and even look at the teacher website.

How to find the information:
In my profile at the lower right corner of this page, answer the following questions: My wife's nameour pets, and how many years I have been teaching. If you can answer these three things, you will earn your first point of extra credit.

Why do this:
This is a reward for using resources, and trying to find out what the class is like. If you would like, you can look at old class blog posts and handouts (which are mostly rubrics I use in class).