Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Work Due Week of May 27 - 30

3. Portfolio - due 052814 - link here
  • 1. Table of Contents - you will get time to finish this in class. It must be printed in class.
  • 2. Journal - 200 word, three paragraph minimum response to types of assignments, favorite assignments, and areas/units you enjoyed learning about
    • about 5 students completed these portfolio steps in each class.
052714 - Complete the Test Question/Group performance survey - link here

052814 - Complete the SS Culminating Project Presentation with all student work that will appear in the final assignment. 

(This is an absolute due date for all student work for the project, necessary to earn the group grade. If a student does not contribute, that student will not earn the group grade, and the group grade will be computed and award to students who have completed all assignments on time.)

Class Schedule May 28/29 this week


Class portfolio - write-up due 052814

Due 052814
1. Label your portfolio folder -

  • tab - Last, First name - period of class
  • Front:
    • Social Studies
    • Grade level
    • Mr. Rodgers - Room 601
    • 2013-2014
2. Table of Contents
  • pick a minimum of a variety of 10 assignments that you liked to do, were favorites, or that you learned by doing. You may have up to 15 assignments
    • You can include assignments that were just turned in or that you will turn in soon
  • Title your portfolio - My Social Studies portfolio
  • Make a list of assignments in order
    • title (you can name the assignment based on the content or ideas)
    • date or month
    • you decide the order of assignments
3. Journal Reflection on portfolio
  • Write at least 200 words about:
    • Best type of work that you did in this class
    • Favorite assignment, other than best type of work (1 - 2 different assignments)
    • Something you enjoyed learning in this class, that was not necessarily tied to any assignments in the portfolio, but may related to portfolio assignments.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Test Questions and Group Performance Survey. Due Tuesday, May 26

Homework for Wednesday and Thursday night - Due next Tuesday:

Also, time to start building your group test - follow these steps - due next Tuesday:

1. Based on the materials YOU have researched,

2. Complete the following two-part surveyTEST QUESTIONS and Group Performance Survey,

each person must write

  • 4 simpler questions that can be turned into MC or fill-in the blank type of questions
  • 2 EQ questions about the same material. 
    • EQ questions ask about a concept or process, and require a definition and 2 - 3 pieces of evidence/details to explain how that concept applies to history

Question content in relation to the group Slide Show:
3. the questions should cover elements shared in your group slide show that you contributed

4. each questions should cover a different area of information that you contributed or researched

5. all questions must reflect content shared in the slide show, since this is what all students will see

  • if you have a question you feel is important, but the content is not in the slide show
  • you must add the information and graphic to the slide show
PART TWO - Group Performance is self explanatory.

Substitute Plan for Wednesday, May 21

View class direction here

Monday, May 19, 2014

Scanned Project Work

All scanned maps, timelines, charts, and other graphics are in your group shared folder, in a new folder called scanned work. 

1. Make sure that you use as many student created graphics as possible.
2. Each graphic must have a text explanation.
3. If a graphic does not pass the minimum requirements for a quality assignment based on the groups standards, then the final slide show should not include such work.

  • students can update, correct, or redo assignments that do not meet minimum requirements.
  • the group can substitute internet graphics occasionally for such assignments.
4. The final slide show must include a sufficient number of student created assignments. 

5. If the slide show includes work that does NOT meet minimum requirements, then the slide show grade will lose points.

SS8 - Work for the week of 0519 to 052314

SS8 - all dates are DUE dates

0521 (period 6)/ 0522 (period 5) -
A. Complete First draft of the Group Slide Show (See Final Slide Show direction here)
1. Individually, each person must create slides for all graphics and their related text blurbs.
2. If a person is missing either a text or a graphic, for a slide, then that person must write the text or find a graphic for their written text.
3. Other materials, such as the Short Report or Travel Log assignment text can also be included (see below)
4. Since this is a first draft of the slide show, order of slides, final graphics, and uniformity are due on 052314 when the final slide show is completed.

B. Travel Log or Short Report:
In groups, students may choose to do a Travel Log OR a Short Report
1. 3 paragraphs
2. 300 - 400 words overall
3. typed in a gdoc: FirstLTrLog or FirstLShRep

Short Report directions
Travel Log directions

052314 -
A. Completed Slide Show (See Final Slide Show direction here)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Clarification on Current Event Article...

For the current event article assignment, write a 4 - 5 sentence summary of the article and its importance.

Save the write up in a gdoc, AND copy the article link to the document.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Work this week for the Culminating Project

SS8 - All dates are DUE DATES:

The following assignments help groups show key events and people that were important for each group's topic:

051414/051514 - one assignment
Each person in the group must write out a final blurb (3 - 4 sentences) about their found person and event (1 blurb for each = 2 blurbs). Find a picture of each person and event that you wrote about. Copy the picture into the gdoc, copy the url below each picture. Use notes from previous assignment (FirstLPE) (bullet points about an medieval event and person). Save as: FirstL18thEventfinal

051614 - two assignments due:
Part 1. Current event article from your topic (last 6 months) - about an issue related to your topic.

  • If your 19th Century topic is slavery, then a modern current event can relate to human trafficking, sweat shops, and transporting of people illegally across borders
  • Then find an article about an event that has happened in the past 6 months
a. Print out the article.
b. We will complete the writeup and current event activity in class.
a. write up a 4 -5 sentence summary of your article.
b. include the link to the article.
c. print out the article and put it in the group file folder in class.

Part 2. Research about the MODERN issue related to your article in the United States in the past 15 - 20 years.
a. Each person must research the recent history of the issue from your current event within the past 15 - 20 years.
b. NOW find out about this issue in the past 15 - 20 years.
c. copy the web address into your gdoc.
c. Find and copy, into your gdoc, a graphic that illustrates this event.
d. writeup a 4 - 5 sentence summary of the history of this event in the past 15 - 20 years.

Suggestion - your article is about a current event when a person was arrested for human trafficking after the police arrested illegal immigrants working at a restaurant.

a. Write a blurb about this background history from the past 15 - 20 years.
a.1. Include the link to the website you used to find this information.
b. include a picture and its link found on the internet related to this background.
d. Save as: FirstLModEv

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Project - individual assignment - find text except - due Tuesday, 051314

For your project group, each individual must use the internet or books to find the following:
1. a excerpt, or part, of a speech, story, novel, or a complete poem (should vary)
2. that covers your group's element (daily life, war, politics, etc.)
3. that discusses a different concept, topic, or theme for each person.

Example -
For the politics group:
person 1 finds an excerpt from a novel with a scene that has a Congress person in it
person 2 finds a poem about losing an election
person 3 finds an excerpt from an important inauguration speech

gdoc in group folder

save as: FirstLTX

Culminating Project: Due May 13 - 14

Due Next Block day - Wednesday or Thursday, 0513 - 051414
1. As a group - in class on Tuesday, create a list events and trends about your topic on the internet, from books, or from your notes.
2. There should be at least two items for each group member.
2. As a group, divide the list of events so that each person gets a first pick of an event, then a second event.

Output -
write a summary of each of the two events assigned by your group. Summaries should include:
  • Define the event
  • Where and when the event or trend took place
  • A famous person involved, and what they did during this event (if possible)
  • Outcome or lasting effect of the event - how it affected future events
  • These text blocks can be used for the group presentation, or as the beginning of a short report.
gDoc - FirstL2EVsumm in group shared folder

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bring student supplies for maps and charts...

In order to continue working in class, students need to bring their own supplies to share with their groups, since the class supplies have been readily depleted this week and last.

Each student should have:
1. colored pencil set
2. a fine point sharpie
3. a manual pencil sharpener for colored pencils.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Due each day this week - Map or Chart Assignment, Individual Assignment

Due Tuesday, 050514
1. Map or chart assignment - each person in the group must complete a time period chart or map - AS DISCUSSED in class.
2. Map or chart must be completely inked when entering class on Tuesday.
3. We will finish labeling and coloring in class - bring your colored pencils and sharpies.
4. Blank maps passed out in class - here, lthough students may find others. Maps should cover most of an 8-1/2x11.

Due Wednesday/Thursday Block Days, 0506 - 050714
1. Second assignment from in class discussion with your group.

  • 2 individuals in the group must complete two different timelines related to your group topic
  • If a person completed a map as the first assignment, all other individuals in the group must complete a chart illustrating a concept, mechanism, or causal relationship between two events. 
  • If a person completed a chart as the first assignment,  then they must complete a map of a new idea, not previously completed as a map by another group member.

  • In the end, each person must complete either a timeline, map, or chart for their second assignment, based on the list above.

2. If you were absent, you will get an extension, but must discuss the group assignment list in class.

3. Completed FIRST assignment, assigned on Monday (above)

Friday - Completed second assignment at the beginning of class.