Saturday, January 25, 2014

HW due Tuesday: respond to Preambles

Some Preambles to consider to help discuss and debate guiding principles for your group constitution.

Due Tuesday
1. read the following preambles (choose two from list A. and one from list B) taking notes in gdoc ( bring printed copy to class).
2. You should notate the goals, stated clearly or implied (reading between the lines), that are made by each preamble.
3. Underline those goals that you would include in your group constitution.
4. Label each set of notes with the title of the document, where it was written, and the date it was written, listed here:

A. Choose Two of the following:
UN Charter, San Francisco, 1945

US Constitution, Philadelphia, 1787

French Constitution, Paris, 1793

B. Choose ONE below and skim through the document for ideas:

Some historically significant Constitutions, that do not have preambles:

Belgian Constitution, Brussels, 1831

Other Constitutions that have considerable differences from our Constitution:

The Constitution of the Soviet Union, Moscow, 1936

The Constitution of Iraq, Baghdad, 2005 (note, this is a Constitution written after the US had invaded and took control of the nation militarily. It is worth noting the distinct differences from the US system.)

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

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