Friday, January 24, 2014

Ch 7 Quiz - Period 5

Below are links to quizzes for each assigned section of the SS8 textbook,
that different groups turned into slide shows and presented in class.
As discussed in class and on the blog, questions were taken from slide presentations from both periods, as well as from the textbook reading.

You must only take three of the following quizzes. Take each one at a time. You must be signed into your school email to take each quiz. If you have other tabs open in your browser during the entire time that the class is taking any part of this quiz, besides a quiz itself, you will receive a zero on all fifteen points possible for the entire points possible.

Each MC quiz is worth four points (4 points x 3 quizzes = 12 points):
The fill-in quiz is worth three points for the questions that correspond to your three MC quizzes that you decide to take. (plus 3 points = 15 points possible):

MC Quizzes (take three only):

New York


Valley Forge

Francis Marion

Take this - answer only three questions:
Fillin Quiz here

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