Wednesday, January 29, 2014

US political issues - 2013

Two pieces of HW due on Friday at beginning of class:
Goal: Decide where you stand on several key political issues in U.S. politics today

1. Parent Homework:
  • Ask your parents to list ten current issues facing the United States.
  • Write down the list - bring it to class.

HW #2 - Take survey

  • AFTER flipping through issues websites about political issues you want to read more about - browse, 
  • then take THIS SURVEY here. 
  • Export the results as a pdf of your survey. 
  • Email the results web link to Mr. Rodgers and yourself. This link allows you to review your results and the attached explanations.

Friday Activity:

1. Look over the websites about key issues
2. Discuss the issues with your assigned group
3. take the survey AFTER your group has tackled some of these issues
4. Share out your opinions in your group and in class when called on.
5. Form a political party later this week (Friday) after the survey results are reported out.

Some websites that list current issues in U.S. politics

News outlets and some reportedly non-partisan sites:
NBC First Read (issues explained),
On the Issues (covers all issues and perspectives),

Some partisan sites:
The DemocraticHub,

GOP 2012 platform,

Libertarian Party on the Issues, 

The Progressive Cynic

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Period 5 - Assignments verified in google docs

Assignments have been verified in google docs.

No credit (i.e. a zero) is given if documents are not shared with, and thus are not viewable.

If you brought in printouts on the date due, a plus one was awarded for all pages stamped.

All student work handed in this past Friday were entered. A couple of people probably still have assignments in their binder:

American vs. British Armies Comparison due 01/14/14 - collected 01/24/14
Battle notes used for slide show due 01/15/14 - collected 01/24/14
Slide show critique due 01/21/14 - collected 01/24/14

If you have not taken a quiz or test, and have not made it up in the specified time frame for number of days absent, the grade drops to a zero until you make up the quiz or test. This was discussed in class and is a standard procedure in most classes.

If you need help to fix late or missing assignments or quizzes/tests - sign up for Advisory this Wednesday or Thursday.

A couple of students in each class must make up the Ch 7 quiz on Monday - as reminded in class, and  as per policy.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

HW due Tuesday: respond to Preambles

Some Preambles to consider to help discuss and debate guiding principles for your group constitution.

Due Tuesday
1. read the following preambles (choose two from list A. and one from list B) taking notes in gdoc ( bring printed copy to class).
2. You should notate the goals, stated clearly or implied (reading between the lines), that are made by each preamble.
3. Underline those goals that you would include in your group constitution.
4. Label each set of notes with the title of the document, where it was written, and the date it was written, listed here:

A. Choose Two of the following:
UN Charter, San Francisco, 1945

US Constitution, Philadelphia, 1787

French Constitution, Paris, 1793

B. Choose ONE below and skim through the document for ideas:

Some historically significant Constitutions, that do not have preambles:

Belgian Constitution, Brussels, 1831

Other Constitutions that have considerable differences from our Constitution:

The Constitution of the Soviet Union, Moscow, 1936

The Constitution of Iraq, Baghdad, 2005 (note, this is a Constitution written after the US had invaded and took control of the nation militarily. It is worth noting the distinct differences from the US system.)

- Posted by Mr. Rodgers

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ch 7 Quiz - Period 5

Below are links to quizzes for each assigned section of the SS8 textbook,
that different groups turned into slide shows and presented in class.
As discussed in class and on the blog, questions were taken from slide presentations from both periods, as well as from the textbook reading.

You must only take three of the following quizzes. Take each one at a time. You must be signed into your school email to take each quiz. If you have other tabs open in your browser during the entire time that the class is taking any part of this quiz, besides a quiz itself, you will receive a zero on all fifteen points possible for the entire points possible.

Each MC quiz is worth four points (4 points x 3 quizzes = 12 points):
The fill-in quiz is worth three points for the questions that correspond to your three MC quizzes that you decide to take. (plus 3 points = 15 points possible):

MC Quizzes (take three only):

New York


Valley Forge

Francis Marion

Take this - answer only three questions:
Fillin Quiz here

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

If you didn't turn in a packet of class notes before Winter Break...

Right before Winter Break, students were required to turn in a packet of all available handwritten notes for the previous unit in seventh grade.

If you did not turn these in, please turn them in as soon as possible.

Period 6 Homework this week

Homework due Wednesday:
What type of government? discussion...

10 functions of government that you think are important?
Gdoc your 10 answers and bring a printout to class for Wednesday.

Quiz on Friday:
The quiz will be worth 15 points. The maximum score is 15 points.

There will be 25 questions grouped by the slide shows presented in class from both period 5 and 6. There will be four MC questions for each topic, and one fill in with a word bank for each topic.

Questions will come from the information presented by slides slows from both periods on the same topics. Questions will also come from information presented in the book about these related topics.

Students must answer the five questions each for three different slides show topics of their choice.

Period 5 - Quiz on Thursday

The quiz will be worth 15 points. The maximum score is 15 points.

There will be 25 questions grouped by the slide shows presented in class from both period 5 and 6. There will be four MC questions for each topic, and one fill in with a word bank for each topic.

Questions will come from the information presented by slides slows from both periods on the same topics. Questions will also come from information presented in the book about these related topics.

Students must answer the five questions each for three different slides show topics of their choice.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Period 5 Slide Show Homework - Due Friday, 011714

Before Friday in class:
1. Watch your group presentation. Watch two other presentations.
2. Gdoc (share, type, print):

  • 5 suggestions for each slide show about formatting
  • 3 things you thought were interesting, or 3 things you learned
  • Grade each slide show on a 10 point scale
    • 4 slide min.
    • relevant picture on each slide
    • no more than 35 words per slide
    • uses space well
  • Explain why you gave the slide show the grade you gave it with 3 comments
    Slide shows here:

    Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    Google Doc Assignments standards, a reminder...

    A gdoc assignment has these requirements:
    1. Type the assignment before class starts the day it is due.
    2. Share the document with Mr. Rodgers in edit mode.
    3. Save the file the name of the assignment.
    4. Type a Hall header at the top of the assignment doc - full name, due date, class period.
    5. Type the title of the assignment, centered one line below the Hall header.
    6. Print the assignment before coming to class.
    7. The above list is always required unless stated.

    - Posted by Mr. Rodgers

    Slide Show Critique due Friday, 011714

    Before Friday in class:
    1. Watch your group presentation. Watch two other presentations.
    2. Gdoc (share, type, print):

    • 5 suggestions for each slide show about formatting
    • 3 things you thought were interesting, or 3 things you learned
    • Grade each slide show on a 10 point scale
      • 4 slide min.
      • relevant picture on each slide
      • no more than 35 words per slide
      • uses space well
    • Explain why you gave the slide show the grade you gave it with 3 comments
    Slide shows here:

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    Activities and HW this week surrounding Chapter 7 topics

    Due - Detail
    0113 - Write the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence on p 470 in your own modern words. As a group type your best combined translation of this paragraph in a Google Doc shared in edit mode with Mr. Rodgers. Make sure to include each person that worked in your group at the top of the doc text.

    0114 - p. 88 - 89 Compare and Contrast the American and British Armies based on the pages in the book. Turn in a table - either a T-table or a Venn Diagram that shows all of the information that the book uses to make the comparison. (If you attended the Fine Arts field trip on Tuesday, you must complete this and turn in on the Block Day, in addition to the work due on the block day.)

    Notes from 0114 - Disadvantages of the British in winning the war (You must review these for upcoming quiz...)

    0115 or 0116 - Assigned Battle based on last name:

    For your assigned battle,
    1. summarize the related section in the book.
    2. Using the internet, find 3 facts about your assigned battle or person.
    3. Write two bibliographic references for two different web sites that you used to find the 3 facts.
    4. Share an editable google doc with the above information with Mr. R

    Period 5 Last Name - Battle and page(s) - Period 6 Last Name
    A - B - Battle of New York, 91 - A - Cerpas
    C - Geloso - Trenton, 92 - Cione - K
    Green - L - Saratoga, 93-94 - L - M
    M - Sag - Valley Forge, 94-95 - O - Raj
    Sh - Z - Francis Marion and southern Guerrillas,  96 - Raz - Z

    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    Ch 6 Quiz - On Friday

    There will be a quick 10 question MC quiz on Ch 6, all notes presented in class, and notes based on Liberty Part Two block day and the homework due that day