Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2. HW due Friday, 12/6, and Movie Notes - Salem Witch Trials

Here are screen shots from the board if you didn't write everything down:

Picture One, Picture Two

Homework due Friday:
1. Find information on line about one of the three topics below, and fill out this form HERE in response to what you found in about 4 - 5 bullet points.

2. Be prepared to share what you found out in class before we continue watching the movie

3. If you last name starts with the letters below - find two links about and summarize the topic below using the form linked in #1. Don't forget to have your web addresses.

A - F
Salem Witch Trials

G - N
Puritan Rule in Massachusetts Bay Colony
specifically religious persecution of Quakers in Massachusetts Bay Colony
or the demise of Puritan rule in Massachusetts - reasons why

O - Z
The Glorious Revolution: specifically religious toleration of Trinitarian Christians and exclusions of Unitarians and Catholics. What rights did Unitarians and Catholics not allowed to do in England?

Status report on Google Survey above - refresh this window in your browser before launching the survey. ALWAYS answer the survey in your browser, not in the email.

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