Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Due on block - W - 5. Period 6 - Ch 5 group summary in gdoc

Homework Due on block

Due Wednesday - Period 6 - started in class
Students were assigned sections based on first letter of last name to read together as a group:

5. 2 A - BM; 5.3 Bue - Cio; 5.4 Coh - Gut; 5.5 Kun - Med; 5.6 Mun - Ono; 5.7 Po - Sta; 5.8 Sto - Wi

1. Read you section
2. Create a Google shared document with all group members and Mr. R

Divide the following tasks up as a group:
3. Summarize your section in four bullet points
4. Find and copy three web addresses of sites that deal with your topic
5. Write 4 blocks of text (15 - 25 words each) that could be used to create a slide show with 4 different slides.
6. Find and copy a quality picture that represents one of the text blocks your group wrote.

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