Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Test on Friday - if are going to be absent, let me know

Test based on the following content:
1. Ch 5 – Causes of the Revolution
2. Group Presentations based on Chapter 5 (sections) - 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8
4. Film notes – Liberty ( notes only from Block 12/18 or 12/19 here)
5. Crash Course – Taxes andSmuggling Notes - from class and completed as homework by each student.
6. Also, the set of notes from Zenger Trial, Salem Witch Trials, Glorious Revolution in these two pictures: Picture OnePicture Two

Friday Test - 30 points –
19 points MC/Fill-in
6 points – 3 short answers: 1 - 2 sentences each question (2 points each)

5 – 1EQ choose from 3 questions:
1. Explain two reasons with examples or evidence to support why the American Colonists were ready to become independent from English rule.

2. What was the significance of the American Colonists reaction to the Stamp Act?

3. Most tax acts after the French Indian War were enacted to pay down the war debt. What were other effects of these acts, besides raising tax monies that so offended the colonists?

Friday, December 13, 2013

HW Due 12/17 - Finish notes on Crash Course started in class on 12/13

Crash Course - Taxes and Smuggling - Take detailed notes about each point and issue made in the video.
Period 5 - start video at 8:08 to the end (about 12:00)

Period 6 - start video at 11:30 to the end.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Period 6 Block Activity - Slide show

7. As a group create a google presentation about your assigned chapter 5 section to include the following slides:
1. Title slide with all group members in the credits with a picture related to the book topic
2. 4 slides that have the following:

  • a picture that is either background or covers about 1/3 to 1/2 of the slide space that relates to the text of the slide
  • text - 15 - 25 word detail. The text should be readable in size from a distance
    • text should not cover the picture so that the picture cannot be easily seen
  • the slide MAY have a title
  • The four slides should collectively summarize the main ideas of the topic of the slide show.
  • you may have more than 4 slides but no more than 6 slides (if you have too much text make more slides (but each slide must have a different picture)
3. A slide that has a question for each slide. The answer to the question is found in each slide.
4. A web sources slide - 
  • 3 web site urls where viewers can get more information
  • a web url for the source of each picture

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Due on block - Th - 4. period 5 Ch 5 EQ/terms in class AND HOMEWORK survey

4. Due Thursday - Period 5 - started in Tuesday's class

1. Read Chapter 5
2. Write 3 EQs. Each EQ must cover different sections of the book
3. Answer each EQ question with three bullet points of details
4. Define 8 terms. You may NOT use terms that are defined in the chapter in the margins

For Homework at home:
#6. Complete the Survey about Chapter 5 that requires you to share part of the above assignments started in class.

Due on block - W - 5. Period 6 - Ch 5 group summary in gdoc

Homework Due on block

Due Wednesday - Period 6 - started in class
Students were assigned sections based on first letter of last name to read together as a group:

5. 2 A - BM; 5.3 Bue - Cio; 5.4 Coh - Gut; 5.5 Kun - Med; 5.6 Mun - Ono; 5.7 Po - Sta; 5.8 Sto - Wi

1. Read you section
2. Create a Google shared document with all group members and Mr. R

Divide the following tasks up as a group:
3. Summarize your section in four bullet points
4. Find and copy three web addresses of sites that deal with your topic
5. Write 4 blocks of text (15 - 25 words each) that could be used to create a slide show with 4 different slides.
6. Find and copy a quality picture that represents one of the text blocks your group wrote.

Monday, December 9, 2013

HW due 12/10 - Write three EQs

Write two EQ from last week's notes, one for the Glorious Revolution, and one EQ for the Salem Witch Trials from the notes taken last week, pictured below:

Picture OnePicture Two

Also, write a third EQ about the Zenger Trial notes from 12/9.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2. HW due Friday, 12/6, and Movie Notes - Salem Witch Trials

Here are screen shots from the board if you didn't write everything down:

Picture One, Picture Two

Homework due Friday:
1. Find information on line about one of the three topics below, and fill out this form HERE in response to what you found in about 4 - 5 bullet points.

2. Be prepared to share what you found out in class before we continue watching the movie

3. If you last name starts with the letters below - find two links about and summarize the topic below using the form linked in #1. Don't forget to have your web addresses.

A - F
Salem Witch Trials

G - N
Puritan Rule in Massachusetts Bay Colony
specifically religious persecution of Quakers in Massachusetts Bay Colony
or the demise of Puritan rule in Massachusetts - reasons why

O - Z
The Glorious Revolution: specifically religious toleration of Trinitarian Christians and exclusions of Unitarians and Catholics. What rights did Unitarians and Catholics not allowed to do in England?

Status report on Google Survey above - refresh this window in your browser before launching the survey. ALWAYS answer the survey in your browser, not in the email.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

1. HW due W/Th Block classes for Period 6/5

1. Read SS8 Text Chapter 4

Use this form to complete your homework here
You must use your school email account in order to complete this form.
You may submit updates and corrections more than once.

Or - on a separate piece of paper:
2. Write three EQ questions - each about a different section
3. Select and define six terms, concepts, events that were not already defined key terms

Status report on Google Survey above - refresh this window in your browser before launching the survey. ALWAYS answer the survey in your browser, not in the email.

Monday, December 2, 2013

HW due 12/3/13

Tonight for homework, and you will not hear this that much this year, practice your rap lyrics so that you really know your lyrics.

We will tape the final group raps tomorrow in class.