Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of 033015 - Article One and Two

Due - Date
0331 -
Watch Crash Course Constitution - enjoy.
Be ready to discuss elements of this video.
On notebook paper - review the video in order to get three complete ideas from the video about the Constitution
  • Write three ideas raised in the video
  • Write 3 details raised in the video, or in the One Minute Constitution packet overall that are examples of the the different ideas you recorded from the video.
In class: 
Watch Crash Course - How a Bill becomes a law
Use your How a bill becomes a law handout (both sides) to help follow the video.

Review Ten Minute Constitution -
  • Special bills and privileges
0402 - 
On notebook paper: 
  • Write 3 EQ questions based on this article.
  • Write 3 bullet point information items that help answer each EQ question.
0403 - Two activities:
1. Quiz on Powers Denied Congress - focus:

  • Civil Rights protected by the Constitution - Habeas Corpus, Attainder, Ex Post etc.
  • Gifts and titles of nobility
  • No taxing goods traded between states
  • No direct taxes (16th Amendment repealed this)

2. Homework: 

Goal: Find information from the internet about your See below based on the THIS handout HERE:
passed out in class. As demonstrated in class, it will take about 5 - 10 minutes to find the topic using different search phrases in Google related to your topic.

Written evidence:
a. define the term or concept.
b. explain a real life example that illustrates the concept in a minimum of three to four points.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of 032315

Due - Details

032415 -
1. Complete the reading: Ten Minute Congress HERE
 Use this US Constitution HERE

2. Also, read the following section of Article One (of the US Constitution) - based on your LAST initial from the list below:
Article One:
A - C - Section 1 and 2
D - H - Section 3
L - Schw - Section 4 and 5
Sp - Z - Section 6

For your reading, summarize the main points of your section(s) - write five summary points on notebook paper. Bring to class.

032615 -

As in the previous homework reading, read the following Article One Section based on your last initial:
A - C - Section 7
D - H - Section 8 (through the line: To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court)
L - Schw - Section 8 (to the end of Section 8)
Sp - Z - Section 9
Extra Credit - Section 10 (four summary points - +2 XC points)

For your reading, summarize the main points of your section(s) - write EIGHT summary points on notebook paper. Bring to class.

CLASS NOTES - Article One

032715 - See the following entry for HW due 0327, Friday

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week of 031715

Due - Detail:
Read the handout from class: The One Minute Constitution
Answer the following questions on the reading using notebook paper:
1. Based just on the One Minute reading - make a list for each prompt below:

  • Three things you want to know more about before judging the US Constitution
  • Without looking anything up, what three changes would you make to our Constitution
  • What three powers do you think the states should have that the federal government should not have?
  • What are three Individual rights that should be protected so that the federal or state governments cannot pass a law that violates or limits this right?

Read the first page of The Ten Minute Congress
Complete THIS SURVEY for homework HERE

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Quiz on Friday, 031315

Read Chapter 8, sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3.
Short quiz on these three pages when you walk in.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Treaty of Paris Proposal Survey

Once you sign into school email account, the leader of each group must take THIS SURVEY HERE about their final proposals for the Treaty of Paris.

Your group may take the survey more than once if you have changes.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Treaty of Paris, 1783, simulation...

DUE - Details

0309 M -
In class we will continue our Treaty of Paris simulation.
In order to get full credit for this activity, students must keep notes on each person they engaged in discussion and the issues addressed and what was agreed to.


  • Who - country or group
  • Issue(s) discussed
  • Agreement reached
0310 T - 
Write up each proposal reached with different groups, and agreed to with your team. Sometimes, a team may not agree on all parts of the proposal - THEREFORE, the nation may have two groups writing up two different proposal with similar and different lists of goals or agreements. More in class on 030915.

Shared Google Doc - editable by each faction member and with Mr. Rodgers - Titled - TrParisNation(faction: A or B) example - TrParisFranceA

0312 Th - 
Map Source - The United States in 1783 here
Target Map - use this blank map to draw the source map - ink, color, inked labels, key, title

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Added Reading and short quiz on Friday

0306 - F
Read The Treaty of Paris link here - 

  • be prepared for a short quiz about 
    • how it was negotiated and 
    • what some of the key elements of the treaty were...

Monday, March 2, 2015

Updated - Week of 030215

Reminder all assignments will be collected by Mr. Rodgers for the entire week, the day he returns from Jury Duty...

Due - Detail:
0303 - T:
Read the Wikipedia entry on Peace Treaties here

0305 - Th:
1. Quiz on the Wikipedia article due Tuesday, above.
2. From our class notes, add five more strategies to the list of negotiating strategies (total of 16 due)

2. Study these maps and takes notes on notebook paper - follow the slide show directions:
Use this slide show  - also, each slide has a link to the map on the internet in order to read it better

0306 - F
Read The Treaty of Paris link here

  • be prepared for a short quiz about 
    • how it was negotiated and 
    • what some of the key elements of the treaty were...