Friday, January 30, 2015

Lunchtime homework club - Wednesdays

On Wednesdays, after the first five minutes, Room 601 will be open to Social Studies 8 students.

Students that need assistance completing assignments or are asked to come to class should their lunch and show up to class no later than the first lunch bell.

When students are invited, parents will be notified of the invitation and that the student did attend.

See you then.

- Mr. Rodgers

Monday, January 26, 2015

HW week of 012615: Readings and responsive writing

Reading this week:
The Stamp Act, 1765
Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, 1765
Sons of Liberty (The first six paragraphs)

012715, Tues -
Read the Stamp Act, 1765 article from above
Quiz on the Stamp Act Article above: What, How, Why, When

012915, Thrus -
Read the Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, 1765 from above
Write Answers to the following questions on notebook paper by hand:
1. Which king granted that the colonists are entitled to all liberties, privileges, and immunities...
2. What are immunities when granted by a king to his subjects? (use a dictionary)
3. Explain the easiest and least burdensome method of raising taxes?
4. What resolution was not passed and was found in Patrick Henry's will? Summarize what this resolution basically stated.
5. In another resolution not passed by the Assembly, what were those to be considered if people besides the Assembly raised taxes on the colony?

013015, Fri -
Read the Sons of Liberty Article above.
Write Answers to the following questions on notebook paper by hand:
1. What were three types of actions that the Sons of Liberty used to cause the repeal of the Stamp Act?
2. What strategies did the Sons of Liberty use to spark an awareness of colonists to join together to fight against the Parliament and the King?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Homework Due Friday, 012315

Finish Reading all of SS8 Chapter 5

At the beginning of class
Prepare to explain three Acts of Parliament passed between 1763 and 1765.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HW for Week of 012014

0122 -
Read SS8 Chapter 5 - through section 5.4
Look for another activity due in class based on this reading later tonight.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Due Friday, 011515, when you walk into class (all things printed before class)

1. EQ written paragraph
  • Choose your best Chapter 4 EQ question that you wrote.
  • Write a complete paragraph that answer the EQ question  - in about 5 - 7 sentences, a minimum of 100 words
  • Write your paragraph on notebook paper (so that printing is not an issue)
2. Rewrite and PRINT your second draft of your short report that we edited in class. PRINT your first draft and bring your handwritten draft to class.
  • Several students finished this in class.
  • Ask a parent or older sibling to read your paper and make suggestions about content and organization.
  • Parameters for the rewrite should focus on:
    • Content - in-depth details that are clearly explained
    • Organization - logical sequence and connections between essay parts 

SS8 Ch4 EQ survey

Fill in this form for your best two EQ questions for Chapter 4

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week of 011215

Due - Detail

Complete research on group assigned topic:
A. Salem Witch trials SW
B. Triangle Trade TT
C. French Indian War (1754 - 1763) FIW
D. Trial of John Peter Zenger (1733) Zenger
E. The English Bill 1689, and the Act of Toleration 1689 (1689)
F. Benjamin Franklin - his life and accomplishments before 1776 and until his death BF

Goals -
1. Describe the concept or event
2. Give 2 - 4 examples of major events or key causes or effects as they occurred
3. Explain why this topic was important in:

  • building stronger colonial governments and a sense of colonial identity
  • leading to other events that opened up differences between England and the colonies
1. Individually, write a 200 - 300 word piece that explains the goals of the piece - on notebook paper.
2. Scavenger hunt of topics activity in class. 4 topic summaries required. Turn in on Thursday.

1. Rewrite and edit your short report.
2. Type it in a shared gdoc. Save the doc as (based on list above) using the bold lettered abbreviation as follows: example BFLast0115
3. Each group will present a summary of their topic in class

In class - write response to EQ for Chapter 4 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week of 010515

Due - Detail

0106 -
Practice your group colonial rap parts. You should know them well enough to not need a copy of the lyrics in most cases. We will practice complete performances on Tuesday.

0108 -
Be ready to perform final group colonial raps. All group members should participate, sing, rap, dance,  or sing the chorus.

0108 -
Read SS8 Chapter 4. Pop Quiz - be able to explain three ideas from different sections of the chapter when you walk into class.

0109 -
For Chapter 4, write three EQ questions that cover different sections of the chapter. For each question, write three bullet point list elements that can be used to answer the question.