Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Due Thursday - Reminder - Map and States quiz

1. USA Map complete - inked borders, inked labels - states and water, inked title, colored states (only) - 15 points

2. Study for USA states quiz - 10 points

  • Quiz - You need to know all of the states, and be able to spell them correctly. The quiz will ask you to identify 20 of these states, some will be easy, some more difficult to identify, and some more difficult to spell.

In class we will work on our card games and rap lyrics.
We will video tape first rounds of colonial raps on Thursday and Friday.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week of 121514

Due - Detail
This week in class:
1. Assembling and manufacturing our colony playing cards
2. Playing different sequencing games with the colony playing cards
3. Using the cards to generate poetry and rap lyrics about colonial regions
4. Practicing group rap performances
5. Performing group raps

121614 - 
Label all states in the USA map

121814 - 
1. USA STATES MAP - (15 points) - blank map here
ink all outlines and text
color each adjoining states separate colors; do not color water
title - the United States of America

Note - use the internet or the SS8 textbook atlas section

2. USA States map quiz - (10 points)

1218 - 121914 - 
Perform group rap assignments for the class

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

HW due Thursday

Following up on lines of poetry that we will use to write a rap performance for each group...

Today in class we examined the two poems from last night's homework, and practiced using this verse to perform using different strategies and styles to turn the words into a performance.

Read the introduction (before the outline) to "The Glorious Revolution" article in Wikipedia here.

As you read:
1. Notice in the middle of paragraph three, a reference to the overthrow of colonial governments in Maryland and the Dominion of New England.

2. Notice in the outline a reference to the English Bill of Rights. This was the first Bill of Right since the Romans.

In the article, click on the following links and read:
Dominion of New England

  • Read the introduction to this article.

Bill of Rights - 

  • Read the introduction
  • Read the list under the heading "The Bill of Rights also vindicated and asserted the nation's "ancient rights and liberties" by declaring:"
Writing due Thursday:
1. Summarize, on notebook paper, by hand, in 4 bullet points each:
a. What major event occurred during the Glorious Revolution?
b. What was the Dominion of New England? Was it successful? Who was the governor?
c. What are some of the rights guaranteed by the English Bill of Rights?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week of 120814

Date - Due

1. Read two poems:

2. Choose one poem. Come to class ready to rap the first four lines of the your chosen poem.

3. On a piece of paper, hand write:
  • the first four lines
  • show marks, underlines, and other symbols that you used to break up the line for successful rapping.
  • explain the required selection in 3 sentence  - what is the poem about and trying to say.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homework due Thursday and Friday

Due Thursday:

Create cards for the other three details (famous male or female, event in 1600s and 1700s, Trade good and common technology) for your colony group that you researched.

Refer to this link about the original three cards due on Tuesday.

To conclude:
1. Print (color or black and white will work) all 5 - 6 cards for the above cards - separate sheets of paper.
2. We will label the playing card suit and value in class as a group.
3. We will cut these out in class

Due Friday:
Write 1 - 2 lines of poetry about each of your cards - for a total of at least 5 - 12 lines of poetry total.
We will use these lines to start working on the Colonial Rap lyrics.
Get ready to Rap next week.

Monday, December 1, 2014

HW due Tuesday, Dec 2

As discussed and made clear in class the following in class assignment must be completed as homework tonight - here.

Many students finished in class.

See you tomorrow,

- Mr. R

Card Template

Use this file here -
1. make a copy in order to edit.
2. Share with Mr. Rodgers in edit mode.

Follow directions in class for your cards.