Monday, October 27, 2014

Week of 102714

Due - Detail
1027 - Notes taken in class are provided here: Notes on European Religious Strife, 1521 - 1648

1028 - Complete the survey here

1028 - 1030 - Study for the Ch 2 EQ quiz on Thursday - follow the study guide and questions here

1030 EQ Ch 2 Quiz beginning of class - I hope you studied.

1031 - Find 8 internet notes for your early settlement assigned below (you must be signed into your school gdoc email account: to view this document):
My research topic - early settlements/European Realities HERE

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday night homework; EQ Chapter 2 posted

1. Homework "Advertisement" to be completed Thursday Night (see this week's blog previous entry)

1024 - 
1. Create an advertisement for a new colony in the Americas. 

1028 - EQ Quiz
EQ Questions for Chapter Two - Study guide (next Tuesday is the quiz).

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week of 10/20/14

Due Date - Detail

1021 -
1. Read SS8 Text pages 17 -24
2. Find 8 words that are not defined by the textbook
3. Write by hand on notebook paper:

  • Define each word, how it is used in pages 17 - 24
  • write the page number where each word was found.
1. Read SS8 Text page 25 - 33
2. Write 3 Essential Questions, one each for each section on the early colonies/settlements of:
  • New France
  • Jamestown
  • New Netherland
3. Write three pieces of information for each question to use in an answer to your question.

4. For more information on how to write an EQ question (covered in class):
1. Create an advertisement for a new colony in the Americas. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Iroquois Constitution Survey - Complete by Friday

Complete this short summary survey here

1. You are sharing exactly what you did today in class - summarizing your reading selection in three points.
2. Also, you must find two unique words or terms from your Constitution section.
3. Lastly, you must use two sections from your scavenger hunt notes - find that section in the Constitution, and find two unique terms that you have not shared from your own section.

Resources -
1. Use your reading notes
2. Your Iroquois Constitution Scavenger hunt notes from class today
3. review the Iroquois Constitution text - View the Iroquois Constitution here

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week of 101314

1014 T -

B. Iroquois Differentiated Assignment notes or draft only -

Student do one assignment only
See assignment type and topic STUDENT LIST here

1. Short Report: 8 notes from the internet on your topic -
        short report guidelines here (download to print) - draft due NEXT WEEK
2. Timeline: 8 events from your time period - notes only with dates - Iroquois Nation, 1500 - 1800 CE
3. Map - on a blank piece of 8.5x11 piece of paper, sketch in pencil the political boundaries of the Iroquois Confederacy with both 5 and 6 nations - Online source map

1016 Th (Two entries - see next entry as well)
1. Read a section of the Iroquois Constitution - starting with the title,"THE CONSTITUTION OF THE IROQUOIS NATIONS: THE GREAT BINDING LAW, GAYANASHAGOWA", based on the first letter of your last name

  • Last initial - numbered paragraphs
  • B - Cas 1 - 3
  • Cer - Dar 4 - 6
  • Dem - Hen  7 - 9
  • Hu - Ma 10 - 15
  • Mo - Ro 16 - 18
  • Sch - V 19
  • W - Z  20 - 21

2. View the Iroquois Constitution here - scroll down to the title of the Constitution
3. Take five notes on notebook paper that summarizes your assigned readings. Label the assigned paragraph number from the document for each note you write.

1016 Th -
Step Two - Differentiated Assignment #1
a. Short report - write the first paragraph, and outline the topic sentence and three main points for each of paragraphs 2 and 3.
b. Map - ink borders and label nations and regions
c. TL - (Timeline Guidelines here) on a 14x8.5 piece of paper, layout the placement of each event on a timeline, and sketch where the minimum four pictures will appear on the timeline.

1017 F -
Step Three - Differentiated Assignment #1
a. Short Report - finish writing the first draft of the complete report
b. Map - color the two different maps, using different colors for each adjoining territory.
c. TL - write in the text for at least six events. Draw 3 of the four pictures on the timeline.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week of 100614

Due Date - Detail

1007 -
Read online resources for Four Directions in Native American Culture

Due Tuesday:
Fill out this note table (download to print) with some notes about the four directions

1009 - Due Thursday:
Pick two different wheel directions -
write a paragraph about how the two wheel directions relate to major life decisions or relationships with people in your life.

1010 - Due Friday
Write: gdoc : Dream1010Last
1. Explain a dream that you had and find what part of the Medicine Wheel it relates to.
2. What is this dream trying to tell you?
3. 125 word minimum

Thursday, October 2, 2014

HW due Friday, Oct. 3 - Short Journal

1. Step One - Make a list: Think about dreams that you have had in the past 2 - 3 years - sleeping dreams, day dreams, or reoccurring personal goals/dreams that you wish would come true, or seems to have come true in some way.

2. Step Two - Write a paragraph (on notebook paper):
a. Pick one of these dreams.
b. Write a 50 - 100 word paragraph that 

  • describes your dream 
  • and how an element of that dream became a part of your reality
  • If the dream never became part of your reality, explain that part of your life that you had hoped would be affected by the dream in some way. 
  • If there is no dream that you can explain at all, then write about a dream that you wish you had, that would change your life in some way if it were true.
  • (do not write about very personal dreams, or dreams that you do not want to share publicly)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Missing work. Last Monday and Tuesday...

Please turn in work on time. If you need extra time, let me know, if there are valid reasons for work not being turned in on time.

Several students did not turn in the following assignments:
1. 6 panel summary of SS8 Chapter 1
2. Personal event(s) timeline.

If you have either of these assignments, they need to be turned in immediately in class tomorrow. I will let students know who has turned in each of these assignments in class tomorrow.

- Mr. Rodgers