Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Due Friday 2/28, HW for Wed/Thursday nights

Assignment due Friday:
1. Read SS8 Text

  • pages 106 - 108 and 
  • pages 115 - 116. 
2. Notate the following from the reading:
  • For section 8.4 introduction and sub headers (in blue) - 
    • write down 2 summary points each
    • For sub header "Shared beliefs and clashing values" (p 106 -7) give 4 summary points
  • For section 8.11 and 8.12
    • For each sub header - write down 2 summary points each

More Information for next week:
Theses pages cover information about how the Convention was formed and how the Constitution was approved. 
Next week we will work on the political and social issues that were the "Issues of the Day" for American citizens. 
  • Expect to continue our debate process on each of these issues.
  • New groups will be assigned. 
    • Each group will be assigned either the pro or con side of one issue.
    • Groups will research the issues and develop arguments for the assigned side of the topic.
    • Groups will debate their assigned issues.
      • The class will score the debate.

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