Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday substitute plans - follow carefully

First, dont forget that HW was assigned via the blog on Wednesday for both classes that was to be due Friday - this will be collected on Monday. See this link

Class, please help out the substitute today. I will see you on Monday - Mr. R

Period 5 and Period 6 – SS8
1. Have one person from each table get enough Chromebooks for each person at their table.
2. Students must go to the blog to read directions for the day.
3. Pass out current event form – notice how the issues are divided by students last names.
4. Pass out Current Event Handout –
  • read the directions to students   
  • Notice that different issues are grouped by last name.
  • students should use the internet to find an article and save the link in a separate google doc.
  • The current event write up should hand written on the form.
  •  The found article should be printed through the library, and send one student to collect sets of articles every five minutes or so. The found article should be stapled to the back of the form.
5. Collect the Chromebooks –
a.     one student from each table puts them in the cart last five minutes (collect before the movie if you show it)
b.     Get two volunteers to plug the Chromebooks in.

6. If after a time students seem to be working well, then there is a movie
  • Title: Benjamin Franklin
  • Show until the last two minutes of class.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Due Friday 2/28, HW for Wed/Thursday nights

Assignment due Friday:
1. Read SS8 Text

  • pages 106 - 108 and 
  • pages 115 - 116. 
2. Notate the following from the reading:
  • For section 8.4 introduction and sub headers (in blue) - 
    • write down 2 summary points each
    • For sub header "Shared beliefs and clashing values" (p 106 -7) give 4 summary points
  • For section 8.11 and 8.12
    • For each sub header - write down 2 summary points each

More Information for next week:
Theses pages cover information about how the Convention was formed and how the Constitution was approved. 
Next week we will work on the political and social issues that were the "Issues of the Day" for American citizens. 
  • Expect to continue our debate process on each of these issues.
  • New groups will be assigned. 
    • Each group will be assigned either the pro or con side of one issue.
    • Groups will research the issues and develop arguments for the assigned side of the topic.
    • Groups will debate their assigned issues.
      • The class will score the debate.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Party Project Quiz and coursework due on Block day

Here is what is due on this week's Block Day for periods 5 and 6:

1. Quiz -

  • explain five issues and the positions taken by your group.
    • for each issue state a thesis that clearly shows your group's position
    • for each issue give two reasons that support each issue
2. Bring all work that was assigned during the Party Project set of activities, including, but not limited to:
  • any class notes about the project (remember the Venn diagram about organization, selling your brand, and issues
  • any notes about issues that you completed individually for homework or in class.
  • any google doc assignments that must be printed out and included with this set of work.
  • your individual posters for your party.
  • debate notes and scoring

Monday, February 24, 2014

HW Due this week

Due Tuesday (period 6) - period 5 to be completed in class
1. Read SS8 text p 100 - 105
2. Make a list of five issues that faced the early US Nation from the reading.

XC - for selected students
1. Prepare for debate on your class issue.
2. You must find three reasons to support your group's position
3. Find one piece of evidence to support EACH reason with evidence, explanation, or examples
4. Bring your notes to class
5. XC students include:

  • Period 5 - Fully funding of public schools regardless of meeting performance requirements
    • Pro - Kate, Morgan, Oliver
    • Con - Ethan, Aidan, Conner
  • Period 6 - Marijuana should not be legalized at all
    • Against Legalization - Craig, Erika, King
    • For Legalization - Hannah, Angelica, Nicholas
Due Wednesday (period 6) and Thursday (period 5):
Quiz on your group issues:
1. Explain 5 of your group issue:
  • state an argumentative thesis for each issue - issue should be...
  • for each issue give two reasons that support your position on each issue
2. This will be taken in a Google Form
3. Use your group's shared files to review your group issues.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Culminating Quiz on your Political Party work

1. During our block classes this week, we will have an individual quiz about your official party issue positions and constitutional form of government - be prepared, be involved in class activities this Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Due Friday beginning of class - 1. Final Platform and Constitution Form and 2. 8x11 party flyer

Block Activities -
1. Each group must write platform statements for each issue. The statements should make a thesis argument statement that spells out the rights, requirements, limits, and/or responsibilities of the individual or the government in acting (or not acting) to guarantee that issue is the law of the land.

2. Use Chromebooks to complete a shared (group and Mr. R) Gdoc platform and constitution (system of government).

3. Leader must fill out: Platform and Constitution Form - Here - the leader fills this out as homework for Thursday night in addition to:

Review - where are we with the The Party Project as of 021914 - here

HW due Friday Party Flyers and slogans
1. Each person of the party must create a 8x11 flyer for their party:
  • in full color with ink
  • covers the entire page
  • must include the following:
    • party name
    • slogan or hook
    • vote for or support statement
    • picture that illustrates the issue and covers at least half of the page
    • a border
Some political and election flyer examples:
Elect 1

or search google for other campaign flyer ideas

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

HW due at the beginning of block - in writing on a piece of paper (or it may be printed)

Template for this homework here

Individually, for EACH issue in your party platform:
1. Write a hook or leading statement that will get people interested in the issue.
2. List three types of people that this hook/lead targets.
3. List three types of people that would be interested in each issue of your platform.

You must complete questions 1 - 3 for your group's top 8 issues.

Bring this to class so you can use this with your group.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Room 601 issues round up list

You must stick to the following issues as we develop your group issues platforms and arguments.

Find the list here...

Does your group have a position on each of these issues?

Party Formation survey results


HW for Monday night - due Tuesday

A. Find a political organization that agrees with the position on your assigned issue for your group. Summarize (on a gdoc share with Mr. R):
1. five important points
2. five actions, campaigns, activities the group is involved in to promote their issue

B. Bring all homework related to issues and party from last week for Tuesday credit

Classwork 201014

Create a shared gdoc with your group and Mr. Rodgers
Save each document below by the name of the document:
Platform, Government System, Bill of Rights
Add the name of your party in the title
List all party member names in each document at the top of each document

1. We will be working in our party groups to complete:

  • party platform on 8 issues - 
    • create language that states clearly your group belief 
    • reasons for your beliefs
    • rights and responsibilities for individuals around this issue
    • the role of government for this issue
  • formulate a political system that your party will promote
    • Responsibilities and Rights for the following branches of government:
      • executive
      • legislative
      • judicial
      • military
      • bureaucracy
      • States or Regions
      • Individuals
  • Will you have a Bill of Rights (optional)
    • basic individual rights

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pro/Con Arguments for your assigned party position - due Block period W or TH

For Tuesday's nights homework, research your issue assigned by your party.

Find three arguments that support your party's position on the issue, each with a piece of supporting evidence, example, or explanation.

Then find three arguments that oppose your party's position on the issue, each with a piece of supporting evidence, example, or explanation.

Fill out this form to complete your HW. Print it out for use on your block day.

Monday, February 3, 2014

HW due 2/4/14

1. Research two issues from our political survey that you do not know about.
2. For each issue, list a minimum of four bullet points about the issue.
3. Write your notes on a piece of paper and bring it to class.

Types of government and who participates notes here

Directions for the Party activity this week from class

This week:
Complete this form when you have party members here