Thursday, November 14, 2013

30. historical people from assigned colony note/web address (due Friday) and 31 - in class activity

Due 11/15 -
30. Find three colonial figures, 1607 - 1770, who acted in significant ways during this time period. One person must be female. Write a good summary sentence of this person's accomplishments. Give a web address for each. G-doc, share, print.

Bring your EQ to class on Friday. We will process the EQs on Friday.

In class 11/14 (period 5) and 11/15 (period 6)
31. Colonial group web search
As a table in your Colony Group, do research on your colonies as follows:
a. make a shared google doc - share with each table member and Mr. R - edit for all
b. look for web pages that have information about your assigned colonies

For each link -
a. copy it into the shared document.
b. put your name next to it.
c. summarize the type of information and key ideas on the site in a sentence or so.

Different search methods are based on different word combinations:
Start with:
a. colonial (colony name) - search for each colony one at a time
b. british colonies america
c. colonial (topic) - topics include slavery, trade, farming, native americans, indians, cities, famous people, timeline, atlas, women, children, family, entertainment, other topics
d. use the topics in list c, but put the name of a colony in the search

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