Monday, November 4, 2013

(27) Primary source articles - HW due Period 6 on Wednesday or Period 5 on Thursday

Primary Source Doc Reading - Assigned based on the first letter of your last name:

Last Initial: Your Article to read

A - F: John White's Attempted Rescue of Roanoke, 1590 or here

G - N: The Spanish Jesuit Mission in Virginia, 1570 - request for food and supplies

O - Z: Two Views: The Spanish attack on the French Settlement at Fort Caroline, 1565 or here

1. Print out your article  (based on last name's first letter) before you read it.
2. Highlight or underline key terms or words you do not understand.
3. Use <  > brackets to point out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
4. Use ((  )) double brackets to feature four important lines that seem quotable.

5. Survey HW: (posted Monday at 9 pm): Summarize your article with THIS FORM with the highlights from questions 1 - 4 after you read this article. Answer other questions asked about from the form.

In class on Block Day (W/Th class) be prepared to work in a group in class to share what you know about the article.

As well, you must show your highlighted and printed article based on steps 2 - 4.

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