Thursday, May 28, 2015

Students must complete the Group Project survey - it is worth 5 points

Go HERE and scroll down to GROUP PROJECT SURVEY

Updated President's Project overview

President's Project overview HERE

Zoe raised the issue that the 2 video that each group member must find, was confusing, since it was transferred from the 7th grade MediNations assignment...

Here is the updated video requirement:

Two Video clips about your president or an issue or event that happened during his presidency or a parallel issue that happened during Obama or GW Bush’s presidencies.

Each group member - 5 points

Share on a group document with each link and a 1 sentence description of each video that you found.

In class work today

1. Computer usage REMINDERS -
  • Unplug all computers taking group computers
  • last five minutes - return AND plug in computers at end of core. 
    • (reward for two volunteers that plug in all - rewarded by Mr. R on Friday)
2. Computer survey - 
3. Group Project work with computers:
  • Complete THIS SURVEY HERE for all of your individual group project work.
  • If you have completed all of your project work, then do one EXTRA CREDIT assignment for the project (due no later than next Tuesday)
  • Plan out your project board on paper. In order to work on project boards on Friday, you must have a sketched plan.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week of May 26 - Presidents Project schedule

This week we will have computers in class on Tuesday and Thursday to work on projects

Homework - divide your homework to meet these deadlines for - T, W, Th night
Due - Detail
0526 - One item completed
0528 - Two items completed at the beginning of class
0529 - Three items completed at the beginning of class

Refer back to this link about the project HERE - each group has their own assignment sheets shared with the group

Monday, May 18, 2015

Due 051915 - In class assignment - complete as HW

Due - Detail:

051915 -
As discussed in class on Monday here is the work started in class on Monday, due Tuesday:
Now that we have completed some basic research on our three Presidents for each group, now is the time to start the actual Project.
- The project timeline for assignments and activities will be covered on Tuesday and posted then.

052115 -
In class, we started the following:

  1. Look up your assigned President in your group.
  2. Use Wikipedia or other general History site.
  3. Create a gdoc and save it in the group shared folder for your group.
  4. List and explain the following in 1 -2 sentences each
    • Three issues that were important during this presidency
    • Three actions or events that occurred during this presidency
  5. Save the link in the gdoc of the site you found each piece of information.
052215 - 
In class we started to divide up the project checklist for each group - Complete a rough draft or sketch of your first assignment....

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week of 051115 UPDATED

1. Friday Advisory - If you need to turn in missing assignments, verify grades, or meet if you are receiving a progress report (most grades were posted over two weeks ago), then arrange to see me in Advisory.

Due Date:
051415 - based on in class handouts and directions given in class -
1. Read the Best President article given to your group (you may notate and highlight the article)
2. Summarize the article on Notebook paper by answering these questions:

  • Title - The name of person and years as President
  • 3 character traits that made this President successful
  • 3 actions that this President made as that made a difference DURING his presidency
  • 3 events that occurred during his Presidency that he handled either effectively, or not, or that he took credit (or was blamed) for because it happened during his term in office
Groups - 1 - Lincoln; 2 - Jackson; 3 - Jefferson; 4 - Washington; 5 - T Roosevelt

NOTE - In class on Thursday, 0514, we had sufficient time to complete the WORST President reading and summary activity.
WORST President by Groups - 1 - Buchanan; 2 - Garfield; 3 - Tyler; 4 - A Johnson; 5 - Hayes


1. Read the MIDDLE President article given to your group (you may notate and highlight the article)
2. Summarize the article on Notebook paper by answering these questions:

  • Title - The name of person and years as President
  • 3 character traits that made this President successful
  • 3 actions that this President made as that made a difference DURING his presidency
  • 3 events that occurred during his Presidency that he handled either effectively, or not, or that he took credit (or was blamed) for because it happened during his term in office

Middle Presidents by Groups - 1 - Monroe; 2 - Cleveland; 3 - Grant; 4 - Polk; 5 - Madison

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week of 050415 - Testing Week Schedule and HW

Testing Schedule:
This week we have a unique testing schedule found HERE. Students must be on time every day to class. 
The starting periods for each day this week are as follows:
M - 1st, T - 2nd, W - 5th, Th - 3rd, F - 6th
ELA testing this week, Math testing next week - 

  • Test activities will occur in all Mr. McMullen's Language Arts and Mr. Rodgers's Social Studies classes until the three steps of the testing are complete:
    • In Mr. McMullen's class - Period 5 Wednesday (day starts) - ELA test part one
    • In Mr. Rodgers's class - Period 3 Wednesday - ELA test part two
    • In Mr. Rodgers's class - Period 3 Thursday (day starts) - ELA test part three

Due Friday, May 8 - 
  1. Last week we read SS8 Ch 11. Refer back to the book to complete this survey.
  2. Complete the President Washington Ch 11 - part 1 - Survey HERE for homework...
Due Wed., May 13 - 
  1. last Tuesday HW was assigned in class that did not make it to the blog - bring it to class if you didn't finish it:
    • Ch 11 - Write 3 EQ and 3 bullet point detailed answers elements per question.